city hall: the 6 train secret subway station…

if you follow my twitter, then you’ll know that i went on a successful adventure to find the “secret subway station” with the bf, his sister and her hubby.

although it was just a few seconds, it was still very much worth it! i totally geek out when it comes to american history – especially if it has anything to do with new york. i remember trying to find the original 5 points referenced in the the gangs of new york, its somewhere downtown by city hall too, but its no longer a five street intersection. johnny and i never actually found it, but i know the general area of where its supposed to be located – i’ll go searching one day =P

anywho, if you’d like to pass by this beautiful station its really quite easy. hop on the 6 train heading downtown. stay on after the last stop (after brooklyn bridge), and keep your eyes peeled on the right hand side… the train doesn’t really slow down, however, i think if you stay in the last train car, you’ll probably have a better chance of seeing a bit more… also – don’t plan on any photos, its pretty difficult to snap a shot, so you’re better off taking a video like i did… however, it wasn’t all that great bahahaha =X

OH! one more thing, i THINK you can actually visit the station through the transit museum, i’m still figuring out how to do it because i really want to see it in person – its absolutely stunning!


here are some photos i found online, for more information, you can visit HERE:

oh, here’s another cool video, this guy was “kinda” smart – he actually filmed in between the cars, damn that’s pretty ballsy:


and for more cool, interesting facts about the ny subway secrets, visit forgotten ny

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