"AFJS is like a home to me. It is a place filled with happiness and fun. "







"I love learning what happened in the past."







"It's an exciting day everyday with something new to do."







"AFJS is a second family to me."







"I like the challenge at AFJS."







Latest News

We have some published authors in our midst!

We have some published authors in our midst!

A huge congratulations to 6 of our year 3 pupils whose work was chosen to be published recently as part of a schools writing competition. The children were asked to write a poem that paints a picture of what they dream of and 6 of these were specially selected. Take a...

Our Eco-committee’s first ever newsletter!

Our Eco-committee’s first ever newsletter!

Our eco-committee are continuing to do some great work this year and showing true leadership skills and passion for helping our environment. They have decided to start a newsletter to share ideas and events with you all as well as keep you all up-to-date with the...

Y6 SATs meeting

Y6 SATs meeting

Thank you to all the parents who attended our year 6 SATs meeting last week to find out more about what happens during SATs week and how you can help support your child in the build up to tests so that they can feel as confident as possible and hopefully much less...

Year 4 maths meeting

Year 4 maths meeting

Thank you to all the parents who attended our year 4 maths meeting last night to fin dout more about how you can help your child learn their times tables, which are the foundations of a successful mathematician, and also to prepare them to take the year 4...

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