Ways to get involved with AIA

This past week I was involved in a freshman orientation program that introduces incoming students to life in DC through 3 days of community service in the city. An important component of the program is educating students about issues that exist within the city and present them with organizations and other resources within the university through which they can engage in public service.

In the same spirit, I thought I would take the opportunity to remind everyone of ways that you can engage with the work of Achieve in Africa…

You can become an AIA Ambassador! As an ambassador you can fundraise with your classmates, group of friends, club, or on behalf of your town. No previous fundraising experience is necessary, just an interest in Achieve in Africa’s mission. To receive the AIA Ambassador Manual to help get you started, please email fundraise@achieveinafrica.org with your name, the city and state where you plan on fundraising, and any additional information you care to share to introduce yourself.

You can spread the word! Send a message to a friend, shop for AIA, or make a donation in someone else’s name. For ideas on how to educate others about AIA check out our page: http://www.achieveinafrica.org/spreadtheword.php

You can make a donation! It’s as easy as clicking a button (check out the sidebar).

Achieve in Africa is working on many exciting projects — find a way to get involved today!

Thanks for your support,
