University of New Mexico

Kirsten Carlson in her dorm room Kirsten's room Louise Stowe in their room Louise again Kirsten again Kirsten and Louise Some girl's very decorated door My bed Peter's Matrix poster My mailbox (with mail!) Kirsten's fish tank Our messy shelf in front of the mirror Louise Kirsten Danny Sonnenberg in his room My computer Peter's bike More of our room Peter's desk Peter's bed and my TV Our door My wall and books My desk My printer on top of our fridge Danny sitting on my bed Lisa Mondragon Peter Reynolds Jesse in his halloween costume Jesse again Closeup of my computer Geoff's drawing on his board Geoff Danielson and Danny Torn apart computer in Geoff's room Geoff's lamp Geoff's computer Geoff's room Geoff Rusty Booth Danny lying on his bed Peter in Danny's room

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