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So, what's wrong with mercury?
  Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive metal on earth. If you have amalgam (a.k.a. "silver") fillings, you are ingesting poison daily. If you or your children have had vaccinations, you may have been exposed to significant amounts of this potent toxin.  

The ADA-Amalgam Irony

It is well-known to science that mercury is dangerous. It's dangerous to touch. It's even more dangerous to ingest. Nevertheless, the American Dental Association (ADA) has convinced dentists, the U.S. government, and the American people that once mercury is combined with the other substances in an amalgam filling, it becomes perfectly safe.

This is incredibly ironic considering that this very same amalgam mixture (including amalgam fillings removed from peoples' mouths) must be handled, transported and disposed of as a "toxic substance". Furthermore, the ADA itself has a "protocol" for safe handling of the amalgam mixture once it's prepared (mixed) by a dentist or dental assistant. This protocol includes using the "no-touch" method to handle it and storing it in a elemental room under water in sealed containers.

To any thinking person, the inconsistency is obvious. If the ADA has known that this amalgam substance can be dangerous to the touch, then how can they explain their position that amalgam suddenly becomes perfectly safe once placed in the volatile environment of the human mouth, and then dangerous again when removed?

The answer, of course, is the same as any answer surrounded by corruption and shrouded by According to Hal Huggins—one of the men leading the fight to remove mercury from dental fillings in the United states—the ADA makes about $50 million per year from royalties associated with the manufacture of amalgam fillings.

Public Statement By Congresswoman Diane Watson

Take a moment to read this statement by Congresswoman Diane Watson (Los Angeles, California), who is proposing legislation to phase out mercury in dentistry in California. It is very informative and is becoming quite well-known.

Mercury in Dental Filling Disclosure and Prohibition Act, Los Angeles, California

Mercury Is Related To Numerous Health Issues

Evidence and research—both new and old—show that mercury causes or plays a significant role in the following health issues (this is a partial list only):

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Nearsightedness & Farsightedness
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Amylotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Schizophrenia spectrum disorders
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Dysbiosis
  • Leaky gut syndrome
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Learning disabilities
  • Endocrine problems
  • Depression
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Manic depressive disorder
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Juvenile arthritis
  • Lupus erythematosus
  • Multiple chemical sensitivities
  • Environmental illness
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sciatica
  • Gastritis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Colitis
  • Crohn's disease
  • Sleep disorders
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Floaters in the eyes
  • Bulimia
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Yeast syndrome
  • Uncontrollable weight gain
  • Hair loss
  • Constipation
  • Flatulence (gas)
  • Shifted circadian rhythm (inability to sleep on a normal schedule)
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Hyperglycemia
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Weak immune system
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Grinding teeth while sleeping
  • ...and many more.

It's difficult for some to believe that so many diseases—both physical and psychological—may originate from mercury poisoning. Yet, the scientific evidence plainly shows the relationship. Just the fact that mercury aggressively binds with sulfur-groups and that it raises homocysteine levels can cause many of the diseases mentioned above.

For more information, see the section below entitled "What Does Mercury Do To The Body?" for more detailed information.

How Do You Know If You Have It?

Although very few doctors know how to cope with mercury poisoning—much less properly test for it—science has clearly given us the indicators we need to make informed decisions.

Those who have been properly trained in mercury poisoning often start by looking for a source of exposure. They will ask questions like:

  • Do you have "silver" dental fillings?
  • Have you been vaccinated recently?
  • Do you eat a lot of seafood?
  • Do you work with or manufacture fluorescent lights?
  • Do you live near a coal-burning power plant?

Next, they will search for certain combinations of symptoms. They will ask:

  • Do you have allergies?
  • Do you have trouble sleeping?
  • Do you have bouts with depression or anger?
  • Do you have digestive problems or acid reflux?
  • Do you grind your teeth when you sleep?
  • Do your hands or feet tingle or go numb?
  • Do you have ringing in your ears?
  • Do you have frequent muscle spasms?
  • Are you frequently low on energy?

If you seem to have a source of mercury exposure and some of the symptoms, they may order tests. Some of these may include a blood test, but not a test directly for mercury. This is because educated toxicologists understand that mercury does not stay in the blood very long—usually only minutes—before being absorbed into certain body tissues, including the brain.

Competently ordered blood tests may include ALT, AST, Mg, K, Na, Glucose, BUN, creatine, venous CO2, HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. An educated doctor or student of mercury toxicity will be able to draw an educated conclusion as to whether the test results are indicative of mercury poisoning.

Other tests may include hair analysis, but again—not for mercury. This is because hair-mercury levels can be high or low in a mercury toxic person. This is because of the tendency of the body to "harbor" the mercury rather than let it remain in the blood stream. Generally, hair calcium above 1,150 ppm (parts per million) combined with hair lithium below .004 ppm is a "suggestive" indicator of mercury poisoning.

Urine tests can be particularly valuable. A competent doctor will probably order a creatine clearance test to check for kidney damage which is often associated with mercury poisoning. Blood in the urine can also be an indicator, but only under certain conditions. The book (Amalgam Illness) provides incredible detail to aid you and your doctor in making these determinations. In fact, the author suggests that you give (or loan) a copy of the book to your doctor.

The bottom line is that the choice is yours. If you suspect you have mercury poisoning, you can find a doctor that is skilled in this subject (which can be difficult to do), or just have your fillings replaced and see if you notice a difference (this can be expensive).

We (my business partner and I) both decided to skip trying to find a doctor and just have our fillings replaced. The results were dramatic—completely life-changing for both of us. This is why we are passionately attempting to inform others about this subject. If you have "silver" fillings, please take time to read my story.

Does Mercury Leach Out Of The Filling?

It's common when dealing with this (or any) politically-charged issue to find contradictions. These usually stem from lies propagated from parties who profit from misinformation.

On the mercury-amalgam issue, you find two camps. One camp says amalgams are completely safe although, in rare instances, people may have "allergic" reactions to it. They go on to say more research has to be done in order to determine the truth. The other camp says amalgams are poisonous and no one can completely escape some degree of bodily damage. So where is the truth?

The claim that more research must be done is nearly always a delay tactic. The mercury-amalgam camp wants to sustain their profits as long as possible and, of course, avoid criminal prosecution. Being in the field of collecting and publishing natural-health related research for over seven years—being exposed to more information and research than most will see in a lifetime—I have learned that there is absolutely no shortage of research on the toxicity of mercury, and the ADA knows this. The only issue they can attempt to use as a scapegoat is whether mercury comes out of the fillings while in your mouth.

The ADA's former position was to state that study after study showed that mercury, once bound to the other metals (in a filling), does not leach out. Studies have now shown that mercury does leach out of fillings. Not surprisingly, the ADA—in the face of multiple requests—has yet to provide a single study (that we know of) to the contrary.

What Does Mercury Do To The Body?

As mentioned above, mercury loves to bind with sulfur groups. This causes countless issues in the body by interfering with many protein-related processes (cystine is a protein unit). Mercury also causes a rise in homocysteine levels. This alone can cause numerous health consequences. Additionally, new research at the University of Calgary plainly shows how mercury can destroy nerve cells at low doses and in very little time.

Let's look in more depth at specific ways mercury damages the body.


The human intestinal system contains a myriad of friendly bacteria which are beneficial in the digestion of food. Mercury is a well-known mutagen meaning that it causes mutations (which are harmful) in organism structure and function.

When mercury reaches the intestinal tract, it causes these friendly bacteria to mutate. The result is that these bacteria cannot properly or completely play their role in the digestion of proteins. This improperly (or incompletely) digested protein is reabsorbed into the blood stream. The immune system sees this material as a foreign protein and sets up an antigen/antibody reaction which manifests itself as an allergic reaction.

Dysbiosis and Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition where the gut lining develops small holes. Bacteria and fungi begin to leak into this lining (specifically, the gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) which are known as Peyer's Patches). These bacteria produce acidic toxins which, over time, interfere with the function of the gut lining. The net-effect is an overabundance of candida, bacteria, viruses, and other undesirable substances in the intestines—a condition called Dysbiosis. With this, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Poor digestion
  • Immune suppression
  • Inability to think clearly ("brain fog")
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Constantly feeling tired
  • Excessive gas
  • Indigestion
  • Other symptoms similar to Yeast Syndrome

Mercury's roll in Dysbiosis is believed to be simple. Mercury causes mutations to intestinal bacteria. These bacteria (either directly or indirectly) cause the formation of the small holes in the gut lining which eventually leads to Dysbiosis and Leaky Gut Syndrome.

The condition is further exacerbated in what appears to be an undesirable positive feedback cycle when the production of Secretory A is reduced.

Under normal conditions, the lining of the gut regulates intestinal flora. It does this by depositing Secretory A (an antibody) on its surface. This antibody kills dysbiotic organisms on contact. In the absence of Secretory A, harmful organisms overpopulate the gut thus producing and/or exacerbating the symptoms of Dysbiosis.


Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas which controls blood-glucose (sugar) levels. Insulin is necessary in order to allow cells to utilize glucose. Insulin has 3 sulfur binding sites. Mercury aggressively binds with molecules that have sulfur or a hydrogen+sulfur combination. In fact, sulfur groups are often called mercaptans because of their affinity for mercury. Mercury, once bound to insulin, prevents its normal function and thereby results in a diabetic condition that may cause a person to require insulin supplementation.

Mercury is also known to interfere with cysteine which is involved with the supply of insulin to the pancreas. It can also elevate homocysteine levels which has been linked to type II Diabetes.

Alzheimer's Disease

Nerve cells are a special kind of cell that participate in the transmission of electrical signals. They contain long appendage-like conductive "wires" called dendrites. Just like an electrical wire, these dendrites are wrapped in a layer of insulation which is composed of Tublin and Actin (proteins).

Mercury aggressively binds with these proteins (all or most proteins have sulfur binding sites [i.e. cystine] and mercury is well known to bind with sulfur) and causes them to rapidly detach, leaving the bare "wires" of nerve cells exposed and subject to degeneration and "shorting out".

Research has shown that mercury causes "Alzheimer's-like neurodegeneration". A growing number of researchers now believe that mercury causes a perfect Alzheimer's "signature" and believe that this is the cause of the disease.

Take a look at this video showing time-lapse dendrite degeneration caused by mercury.

Depression, Hypothyroidism and Fatigue

Depression is the most frequent complaint from mercury-toxic people. Depression can be related to a number of chemical processes in the body including the decreased production of thyroid hormones, lower ATP (adenosine triphosphate) levels, and poor sugar regulation (see Diabetes above).

Mercury inhibits the conversion of thyroid hormones T4 (thyroxine) to T3 (triiodothyronine)—a process called monodeiodination. Decreased T3 levels are often associated with fatigue, depression, erratic heat regulation, high cholesterol, and numerous other thyroid-related ailments.

ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is known as the source of cellular energy. Mercury interferes with the production of ATP by blocking enzymes involved in the porphyrin-hemoglobin-ATP reaction. A lack of ATP can result in fatigue, poor metabolism (weight gain, etc.) and depression.

In Conclusion

Because mercury reacts with and interferes with so many chemical processes in the body, and because mercury literally destroys nerve cells (by interfering with tubulin and actin binding which form nerve cells' insulative sheathing), different people can experience completely different sets of symptoms. The key is to look for patterns that fit the mercury signature and related "sets" or groups of conditions. "Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment " clearly explains how to do this.

What Are Common Sources Of Mercury Exposure?

Mercury exposure can come from a variety of sources. Below, we've listed a number of ways you may be exposed to mercury:

  • Amalgam dental fillings (a.k.a. "silver" fillings)
  • Shellfish
  • Tuna
  • Grains treated with fungicides that contain methyl mercury
  • Waterproof mascara
  • Some hair dyes
  • Preservatives found in some vaccines (Thimerosal)
  • Hemorrhoidal medicines
  • Yellow, vermillion and cinnabar paint pigments
  • Mildew-resistant paints
  • Gardening chemicals
  • Fluorescent light bulbs
  • many more...

Thank You

We sincerely, hope you find this information helpful. If you have amalgam ("silver") dental fillings, we hope you will consider purchasing the book "Amalgam Illness" as it may be the answer you've been searching for. Educating ourselves and having our fillings replaced (with a safer substance) changed our lives and health dramatically and in a relatively short period of time.

Whether you decide to purchase this book or not, we are truly glad you've stopped by our website. We sincerely hope the information you've seen here will make you aware of the dangers of mercury from amalgam ("silver") fillings and will prevent suffering for yourself or someone you know in the future.

Please feel free to visit our Mercury/Amalgam forum at this location:

Mercury Amalgam Forum

We welcome your questions and comments and wish you the best of health.


Although the authors believe this information to be true, the information contained on this website is not intended to prescribe medication or practice medicine, nor is it intended to prevent, treat or cure symptoms, conditions or diseases. If you are seeking help, consult a qualified practitioner.
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