AMS Winery Production Software

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  • The AMS Bulk wine module tracks production activities starting with grower contracts, and ending with bottling
  • The harvest subsystem tracks the progress of grapes in the vineyard and helps evaluate the proper time to harvest. It reports projected harvest tonnage and remaining tons to be harvested at any time during or before harvest. It supports entry and reporting of weigh tags
  • It reports yields by tag, vineyard & variety etc.
  • Workorders (crushing, pressing, tank or barrel movements, additions, etc.) can be entered at any time in any order. Up to 40 tanks can be entered in a single work order. All information can be easily corrected no mater when or where the error is found. The re-compute feature automatically updates tank blend composition information taking into account the corrections made.
  • Individual barrels can be bar-coded and their attributes stored. The complete history of the barrel my be tracked. Handheld computers with built in laser scanner may be used to scan barrel bar-codes. The data is then uploaded into the main system.
  • A wine's time in barrels along with the barrels attributes can be reported. Both averages and detailed information is presented.
  • When a bottling workorder is entered, the case goods system is also updated without additional data entry.
  • The system produces a “702” report with detailed audit trail for backup

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