Social Accounting & Impact Evaluation


  • Co-creation with Social Value UK on approaches to identify the value and impacts created by books and blog posts that are designed to inspire change, but where there is no direct contact or relationship with anyone who engages with the ideas presented through them
  • Commissioned to support an enterprise offering built environment and construction education programmes in schools to create a model that allowed them to capture the full range of their impacts and value on pupils, the school, and wider local economy
  • Development of framework to identify the economic impact of micro-providers of health and social care services as part of a pilot national programme – this framework has not only identified the potential existence of market failure in this sector, but directly led to resource being secured for further investigation into this marketplace under the auspices of a national University
  • Development and piloting of a social accounting framework to allow football clubs to identify the impact they are having on their local communities as part of national programme – this has led to clubs being able to better identify and evidence their contributions to their local community, and so better lobby for support and also formed the template for all clubs to report on their impacts
  • Project management of the first social audit for a local charity (including the development of the framework used and supervision of the delivery team of undergraduate students from Cambridge University)
  • Development and piloting of social accounting toolkits for social firms and co-operatives, and subsequently facilitating their official adoption and uptake by the wider sector
  • Evaluation of pilot flagship projects – a mediation model service for the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund, and an enterprise development programme for adults with mental ill health for what was the Small Business Service (now the department of Business Innovation and Skills)
  • Evaluation of existing mainstream Business Link training programmes for the suitability to be marked to social enterprise in their current formats
  • Review of the national ‘LiM’ tool to support enterprises better prove their added value to commissioning officers
  • Certified auditor for the Organisation for Responsible Business Standard
  • Dynamic evaluation of pilot programme to assess suitability of wider roll-out of pilot programme by social enterprise to engage parents of children with disabilities

Social Accounting and Impact Evaluation

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