Alien Encounters, Articles, Strange

NASA reveals alien invasion scenarios, Aliens May Eat Us?

A new study released by NASA outlines the possible scenarios of an alien invasion which range from a swapping of peaceful technology to the aliens destroying and eating humanity.

Aliens-PeaceGreetings we come in peace. Really? The fuck you do.

Hollywood disagrees; have you ever seen a movie about a pleasant group of aliens who invade to help us advance our technology? It must be happening though otherwise I can’t explain how the iPod keeps getting smaller and smaller. So much effort and money has gone into contacting aliens by groups like NASA and SETI but what would they do if it worked?

I’m like a dog chasing a car, I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one (Joker – Dark Knight… RIP Heath).

Stephen Hawking, The world smartest cyborg, has warned scientist about the dangers of reaching out to extraterrestrials.

“We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach.”

“If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”

In this scenario, we (the native humans) would be at the equivalent technological disadvantage that the Indians were to the invading Europeans. The flip side of the coin is the need for us to continue exploring the universe and expanding our reach. With the possible environmental risk that could endanger our species, the need to leave our planet may someday be necessary. Damned if we do, damned if we don’t. It all comes down to the risk we face with both scenarios.

Regarding reaching out to Aliens, NASA has published a new study which outlines the possible different scenarios from an alien encounter. Here’s the good, the bad and the ugly.

The Good:Alien-Sharing-Technology

Advances In Technology

Contact with extraterrestrials might lead to the sharing of new technologies and introductions of new math and science. The aliens could show us how to deal with major issues like world hunger, poverty, diseases and more. Their new technology could positively change our culture.

Education and Warnings

Through experience or just advanced common sense, they could warn mankind of the dangers we will eventually have to deal with. Warnings about nuclear wars, pollution and over population could help us avoid a self-induced extinction.

The Bad:

Human Enslavement

Aliens could enslave humans to mine resources on earth or even another planet. They may even use human labor to create a society on earth that is live-able to their alien needs. I didn’t list this one in the ugly because, hey, at least people would have jobs. That’s a rare thing these days. Im looking at you welfare!

Humans-destroyedHuman Genocide

In an effort to save the world or avoid the human threat, aliens may decide to destroy the human race. The main reason may be due to our growing ability to destroy the planet through nuclear war or pollution. It could be in self-defense as well. The aliens may see us as a destructive race who may invade their planet someday and decide to wipe us out before we become too smart and large in population. This one also didn’t make the ugly because the aliens would be right and these all sound like things we would do. They probably saw the movie Avatar. Thanks a lot James Cameron!

The Ugly:

Humans for Dinner

The aliens, having depleted all their resources from their own planet, invade earth and eat humans. We are fat as shit so I can’t blame them. Enough said, there’s the ugly. We may be violent but I don’t think we deserved to be eaten? Not all of us anyway.

Maybe James Cameron. Nighthawk Logo


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