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ADHD Statistics

According to the National Institute of Mental Health two to three percent of children have ADHD.  This means that in a typical classroom at least one child is ADHD.  The NIMH estimates that about 2 million children in the United States have ADHD.

A neurologist by the name Dr. Fred Baughman estimated that 500,000 children were diagnosed with ADHD in 1985 and he estimates that there are now 5 to 7 million children with this diagnosis.  This is contrary to what the NIMH states and on Dr. Baughman’s website he does not state his source for this statistic.  Dr. Baughman’s main point seems to be that ADHD is misdiagnosed and overly medicated. 

Russell Barkley, PhD has done extensive research on ADHD and ADD.  Below please find a summary of some of his findings:

·         Boys are most likely to be diagnosed ADHD. 

·         75% of boys with ADD are also hyperactive while 60% of girls with ADD are also hyperactive.

·         40 % of children with ADHD have a parent with ADHD.

·         50% of children with ADHD also have trouble sleeping.

·         Children with ADHD develop 30% slower than non ADHD children.

·         65 % of children with ADHD have discipline problems.

·         25% of children with ADHD have a serious learning disability.

·         One half of ADHD children have poor listening comprehension.

·         Parents of a child with ADHD are three times as likely to divorce.

·         Teens with ADHD have four times as many car accidents and have seven times as many second accidents.

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