Official: BlackBerry Pearl 9100-9105 OS from Vodafone DE

Vodafone DE has officially released a new OS update for the BlackBerry Pearl 9100-9105. It’s been a while since this one got an update and today OS is available for download. We have no news about what’s new in this release and no change log was released. Let us know in the forums if you find anything or have any questions!

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source: N4BB

About Edwin Gomez

I'm a son, brother, friend, husband, father, gamer and a addict to my BlackBerry. Been addicted to my BlackBerry since the BlackBerry Pearl(8100) when it can out on T-Mobile. I love everything about BlackBerry.

Posted on July 7, 2011, in 9100/9105 Pearl, Blackberry Devices, Blackberry News, BlackBerry Official OS Release. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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