Tibetan TextsIn an effort to make a comprehensive course of Buddhist studies more readily accessible world wide, classes are now available on-line. All of the Formal Study Courses taught by Geshe Michael Roach are offered here, as are Daily Practice Meditations, and other miscellaneous teachings. The classes offered on-line are the same as the classes that can be attended in person in New York City, and consist of the same audio recordings and text that are available by mail. The on-line audio is available in MP3 or Real Audio formats for streaming or download, and the written materials are contained in on-line pdf files which can be viewed, downloaded, printed, and assembled into a three-ring binder.

The effort to place more of these comprehensive Buddhist teachings on-line will continue on an ongoing basis. In addition to the topics now available, the archive of Geshe Michael's past teachings and translations contains many lectures that have never been published. It is our hope to publish as many of these on-line as possible.

We would like to emphasize that, although recordings and written materials can be extremely helpful, it is essential for serious Buddhist practitioners to meet and study directly with a qualified Teacher who can give the necessary guidance and personal instructions of the lineage.

For a listing of Formal Study Course topics click here.

For a listing of Daily Practice topics click here.

For a listing of various other teachings and translations click here.

Should you have any technical difficulties with any of these classes, please contact ACI.