but we are actually all winds
ever more than before
even ever more than before 
towards future 
and redeeming laughters
and happiest laughters
Start page JUMO | Code for America | good.is |
“If you want to free a society, just give them internet access. Because people, the young guys, you know, are all going to go out and see biased media, see the truth about other nations and their own nation and they’re going to be able to contribute and collaborate together.”
▸ An innocent abroad takes on the warlords: DANCING WITH DARKNESS BY MAGSIE HAMILTON LITTLE | Mail Online

  • I do feel I can’t believe this is true story. But this is the age of digital camera/video, so I expect when the book starts to show up, there’d be photos etc inside. At this point, the whole story just sounds … ? 
  • To really understand what caused 7/7 London bombing, going Afghanistan/Pakistan is not really making sense. I’d rather say you go to live in those Pakistani/Asian communities in North -  Manchester, Leeds, Bradford - for a year or two. Then probably you will see what makes those people determined to not to be integrated, assimilated, and even become violent fanatics. [And, amazingly, this approach seems to be never taken by anyone… almost.]

For the record. Hopefully in few months more info will show up about this book. [And their project in Kabul.]

Mar 09, 2011, 4:21pm  0 notes