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European standards published

EN 12374: Flexible tubes - Terminology

EN 12375: Flexible aluminium tubes - Wall thickness determination method

EN 12377: Flexible tubes - Test method for the air tightness of closures

EN 13046: Flexible cylindrical metallic tubes - Dimensions and tolerances

EN 13047: Flexible conical metallic tubes - Dimensions and tolerances

EN 13048: Flexible aluminium tubes - Internal lacquer film thickness measurement method

EN 14391: Flexible aluminium tubes - Tactile warnings of danger

EN 15384: Flexible aluminium tubes – Test method to determine the porosity of the internal coating

EN 15421: Flexible aluminium tubes – Determination of the adhesion of the internal and external protective lacquering

EN 15653: Flexible aluminium tubes – Test method to check the resistance of the internal protective coating against ammonia

EN 15766: Flexible aluminium tubes – Test method to determine the polymerization of the internal coating with acetone

EN 16283: Flexible aluminium tubes – Test method to measure the force to pierce the membrane

EN 16285 Flexible aluminium tubes – Test method to measure the deformation of the aluminium tube body (guillotine test)

EN 16565 Flexible tubes – Test method to determine the orientation of the flip-top cap

The above-mentioned documents can be ordered at your national standardisation institute. For details please go to the website of the European Standardisation Institute (CEN) and go to the section National Members.


Terminology of aluminium tubes