Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

On this page you find an overview of the frequently asked questions, as well as, solutions for frequently occurring problems.

Be sure to go to the forum if your question is not answered here.

Product information

Price and purchasing information

Support information

Product information

How can I send you my opinion or send requests for new functions in future releases?

We welcome all your suggestions and ideas! Please send them to Our developper staff will take a look at your ideas and integrate them into future releases if possible.
How can I take part in future beta tests?

If you wish to take part in future beta tests please send an email to

Price and purchasing information

How much is AceBackup?

AceBackup is freeware.

Support information

How can I report bugs or errors in the documentation?

If you wish to inform us about bugs or documentation errors or if you wish to send us suggestions or requests for new functions, please send an email to our support team. Our developper staff will review your reports and requests and integrate them into one of the next product releases if necessary..
Where do I get help for AceBackup?

On the Documentation page you will find tutorials, the complete user help, and manuals in PDF format.
What is the product activation for?

The activation is done during the unlocking process of the freeware or test version. You can perform the activation via the Internet. Only the details you have entered during activation are transmitted to AceBIT. No other information is transmitted.

Technical information

Unable to uninstall AceBackup

When trying to uninstall AceBackup the following error message appears “You have newer version of the application. Setup will exit.”

If you wish to definitely uninstall the application, open the Windows Explorer and delete the file hepro.exe in the folder C:\Program Files\AceBIT\AceBackup. Now you can restart the installation program to uninstall AceBackup.

What is the difference between AceBackup backup and AceBackup archive project types?

In an AceBackup archive you can create your own folder structure.
Whereas the AceBackup backup adopts the folder structure of your local system - in the backup project you cannot create your own folders.

I saved my project file and now it is irrevocably lost, how can I access my data now?

You can restore your data, even if the project file got lost.
AceBackup enables you to import project data from your backup location. This way you can work with your backup without having to create a new project even if your project file got lost.

Is it possible to make automatic and scheduled backups?

Yes, you can schedule automatic backups of your data for each project. You can also backup your data during open circuit operations of your system, for example, if you left your work place for getting a cup of coffee.