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About John Houlihan t/a Highgrove Windows

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June 2013
WINDOW INSTALLATION Michael Houlihan from HIGHGROVE WINDOWS WESTERHAM sold us the windows. He asked us if we could transfer £1250 into his dads account for highgrove windows. which we did on the 10th August 2011, they then gave us a date in october 2011 when the work would be done. No one arrived to carry out the work , when we tried calling Mr Houlihan if he ever did get back to us he had all the excuses under the sun. Then this year FEB 2012 Mr Houlihan called my husband and agreed to pay our money back 1st payment of £50.00 would be in FEB 2012 then £200.00 on the 1ST of each month. Until May 2012 he had paid back 650.00 then just stopped paying. We tried calling him on all his numbers he had given us every day since JUNE 2012. We waited and waited and no answer. I then put a review on the 27th september and Mr HOULIHAN rang us pleading to take the review off. I disagreed and said until money was transferred into our account the review would be staying. He then called us again on the 1/10/12 saying he would pay £100.00 into our account and the remaining £500.00 by the 15/10/12. He also agreed this in a email but still til this date we can not get hold of this man for our remaining money. I Just think this will help other people not to go with this company, because they are conning people out of money.

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June 2016
I paid £500 deposit for windows which John houlihan of HIGHGROVE WINDOWS never started. Lucky enough I didn't give him the £1000 he asked for. Trading standards never did anything to stop him trading after numerous complaints so they are complicit in helping him continue to rip people off. AVOID, AVOID, AVOID this thief!

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February 2016
This is true! The company is called direct windows 2u. I heard bout them taking money from someone at work and never did the job. Seems like he has been doing it for sometime now

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August 2014
Project was to install double glazing at my premise in Bermondsey. Paid a deposit about 50%. I was an absolute stupid. Found out he is scammer after the surveyor did not turn up and John Houlihan a did not pick up my calls.When he had visited claimed that he was affiliated to Fensa while he was not and many more lies. He gave his ex wife as a reference posing an ex customer. Have all these details. Cancelled the order on the fifth day of paying deposit. Have not received money despite Kent Trading standards had ordered him to return the money. During Our conversation -Mr Houlihan was threatening, made racial remarks, displayed all qualities of a rougue. He has credential of being in Guardian in 1999 and in 2013 for swindling people and on Rip off Britain in BBC. He promised that he shall pay me 25.00£ a month but now says i should remove the postings for him to do that. Numerous people including senior people , less able ,are either chasing this low life or given up to have a better life. P.s I would appreciate if you have negative stars, while i do not consent for rating one star your page has been set up in such a way that i should choose at least a star. Though i can give five stars for conning.

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Paid £10.200 in 2012 for Double Glazing. Oh Dear. Leaky Bi-fold windows and ruined carpet. No support from FENSA OR Fair Trades Department... DO NOT GO NEAR THIS COMPANY

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May 2014
Mr Houlihan is a con man very articulate. He took 50% deposit 1.400 and after a year nothing has been done, he also had the nerve to call me back and asked for more cash. A con man , a thief who can not be trusted, he probably opened a new company under another name. Be aware you must say no to whatever he offers you as it will be vain promises

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November 2013
In connection to the deposit paid for the windows in Sept 2012 and cancelled this order within four days only to know about Mr Houlihan. I went to the business address which is actually his home. There does not seem to be any signs of commercial activity going on - apart from swindling, running and hiding from customers and call police for protection. Have arrived after about 8.in the morning yesterday the 10th April 2013 My intention was to talk to Mr Houlihan. Had taken a private taxi with a driver as i thought it shall be good to have some one to witness what happens. It was quite. Knocked the door. The main door has a moulded pattern glass designed in such a way that one cannot see clearly inside. I felt some movement and someone walked passed this door into the reception room . The reception room has clear glass windows. As soon as i realised it is John i waved at him- he looked straight without much expression and did not respond. He walked quickly to his room again with his back to me - i clicked a picture. I went around the house and kept knocking the door and windows every now and then. Noticed that he has been checking road map on google on his monitor. Felt Sorry for next victim. By the time his two sons had woken up. The older one tried to take my picture on his i phone. John emerged with i phone and started calling. Whenever i tried to take his picture he ran, ducked . As i realised this is not going anywhere - i was prepared for the police. When the police arrived i showed the invoice , the cad number from action fraud etc and said i am personally here to plea if i can get my money back and if they can help ? They mentioned it is a civil matter and they cant get involved as i am already pursuing all possible ways and that i need to go to the claims court. I asked if they can pursue that he should talk to me as an obligation from a business provider to the customer. They said they cant. Later they asked if i threatened him with anything , i said the only thing i said when John closed his windows was to say "Be a man and come out to talk to me " That was the end of the drama when they asked me to leave - another successful day to Mr John Houlihan. Should any of you wish to use any of this material in the interest of the victims please feel free to use them .

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November 2013
Just to give updates - have not got a penny from Mr John Houlihan- When got hold on phone tells he does not have any money to pay - learnt that this low life has many CCJS and is living by scamming people.

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John Houlihan is a con-man, do not trust him. He has had my 50% deposit (£1,550) since May 2012, but to date nothing has been delivered only lies and false promises. Please note his son Michael is also part of the business. Trading Standards (Kings Hill office, 01732 224601) are informed/investigating but because it is a civil matter this con-man is allowed to get away with this. I have a CCJ against him, but no doubt this is just one of many and besides they're not worth the paper they're written on once judgement has been passed. Basically the law protects him and there are no consequences for his criminal behaviour. I have reported him to watchdog and cowboy traders, but feel the more noise we make the better the chance of stopping him from ripping off other people. I have also reported him to www.actionfraud.police.uk I would recommend you do the same. He needs to be stopped & prosecuted before he ruins any more lives. My next stop is the local press, such as Kent Messenger, Chronicle to name a few, I also have a very good contact at the Courier newspaper, watch this space John as I'm sure you're readig this. No doubt the people of Westerham would like to know they have a con-man on their doorstep. I run a marketing agency so will target Westerham businesses so they can also warn locals. To give you an insight into this man, last summer to my face he swore on his future grandchild (apparently due that summer) that my windows would be installed on 6-7 August 2012 (fourth failed installation date!). Of course windows were not installed and I do hope that if the grandchild actually existed, the child is healthy! To rub our noses in it, he also drives a new convertible Jaguar. Although no doubt the car isn't in his own name.

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Can you contact me please as I am in the same position. John hassled me from June 2012. Took the money Nov 2012. Failed to turn up 3 x with surveyor and 3 x appts for windows. Still promising me the refund of £1250. My windows are falling out and my patio door is broken so I have to borrow the money for someone else to do the job. I would like to get all of us victims together to see if we can take a Class A action against him & I have written to BBC Sussex Radio for an interview, I am also contacting various TV shows. Everyone on here complaining must do something, More people More power. There is a facebook page set up, search “Con Man” or you might be able to find it under email houlihanman@hotmail.co.uk.

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August 2013
See Guardian article warning of the scammer here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2013/jan/06/highgrove-windows-fensa-trading-standards?INTCMP=SRCH

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August 2013
Gave Michael Jon Houilhan of Highgrove Windows a deposite back in Septermber 2012, it is now 20.12.12 and I have no contact with him as he refuses to answer his phone to me and no windows. I have had all the excuses and been given an installation date at which nothing happened. Am now seeking legal action and having to find another company to fit the windows. Jon has coned many others and if you give him any money will cause you nothing but stress and heart ache, do not use this company, do not give Jon houilhan a penny you will regret it as I do greatly!

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I paid a deposit in July 2012 to Highgrove. Since then all I have had is a series of stories and excuses but no windows. I now have a small claims court judgement against Mr Houlihan and his son. Trading standards are in touch. Just avoid these people and their firm.

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July 2013
I had similar problem. Problem is that even if you had your windows installed your guarantee would be worthless. has done this numerous times before - watchdog have his details and i had a long conversation about him (as did 20 others)..it is being investigated! no doubt You're reading this John...the online campaign will continue regardless!

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June 2013
Following my complaint to the Trading standards , Trading standards officers had asked Mr Houlihan to return the deposit . Still Mr Houlihan at large. For people who dont know the background - Mr Houlihan had taken deposit for windows , when i realised what sort of person i was dealing with , i cancelled the order within four days, a month ago and i am begging for my money back.

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June 2013
Having ordered and paid deposit in May '12, I have chased (by text) for months to agree a delivery date, always being told "will have a date for you by Friday", and never getting back in touch. Despite agreeing an installation date for yesterday and confirming the previous day (by text), no fitters turned up, and I have been unable to contact him. Contacted FENSA who advise he has been removed because of similar complaints, and I have also reported to Consumer advice. I went with firm as significantly cheaper than others, but suspect I have now lost all the money I paid, so false economy . Use at your peril!!

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June 2013
Similar experience to the below. Deposit paid in September, initial promises of surveyor visits not kept, can't get hold of anyone and no-one is calling back. Avoid.

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May 2013
Mr John Houlian is trading as Highgrove windows. He is basically a very articulate conman. he makes lots of empty promises, ignores all calls and correspondence, basically will not actually carry out the work. Fensa has now cancelled his membership as he is bring their name in disruute and he is currently being investigated by trading standards. So take heed! avoid at all costs!!!

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July 2013
Tough call to write a review on this, as I did experience the contact difficulties with Highgrove windows which others have reported, which was very stressful at the time. However, on the plus side, when the windows were finally installed, they were of a very good quality, the workmanship was to a high standard (fitters cleaned up after themselves) and the price was cheaper than the other quotes I got.

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May 2016
Nightmare best describes our experience with the company originally known as Highgrove Windows, caused us so much stress would not recommend them to my own worst enemy, they are deceitful and we heard from their fitters that they take money from people and never return we were one of the lucky ones we got our windows installed but only after much hounding and pressure,- Steer clear of them and any company they are associated with

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November 2013
Paid money early Feb and must admit I was very concerned after reading the reviews but I ensured I kept in tough with John. Job was completed within 7 weeks last week hence 4 stars. Happy with the work. Plastering made good, windows are lovely the chaps that carried out the work very professional and worked with speed and very punctual and polite. All went to plan with date and timing.

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November 2015
Update on high grove windows, high groves windows are now trading as windows direct 2 u, and John houlihan now has a new alias name of Paul swan

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November 2012
Just done all my windows,doors and a beautiful conservatory,a very enjoyable expeiriance from start to finish. Non pushy salesmen,and a great team of fitters,all turned up on time,and finished within given timescale. Would highly recommend Highgrove

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November 2012
Highgrove completed the front of my house and glad to say am very pleased with the end result Very clean and tidy workers

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