Adeel's Tumblelog

While looking for a lantern I stumbled into a boss fight.

After many failed attempts I take down the Darkbeast Paarl with cheese tactics.

The Witch(s) of Hemwick first attempt.

After a long period of leveling I took on Vicar Amelia.

My good run against the Blood-starved Beast.

My successful run against Father Gascoigne in Bloodborne. SHAREfactory™

Footage of me muddling my way past the Cleric Beast in Bloodborne. SHAREfactory™

While running around a Battlefield 4 Final Stand map I thought I might have spotted a dog tag box…

Another montage of myself playing BF4 with a SMAW. SHAREfactory™

Started BF4 and joined a game nearing the end. SHAREfactory™