Grounds Maintenance | Landscaping | Garden Coaching

About Us

Acre Landscapes is an off-shoot of a successful family business that was founded in 1985. We have considerable experience in all aspects of garden design and maintenance. We also have a range of professional qualifications underpinning our work.

We will work with you to determine exactly what your needs are. Everyone wants different things from their outside space and we will not impose our ideas on you - together we will create the space that you want.

Our approach is rooted in the principles of natural gardening. We love being outdoors and so we try to build creatively on the natural environment and aim to ensure your open space is alive with plant and animal life. Talk to us about specifically developing your garden into a haven for wildlife. If you wish, we can help you source "heritage" and other special plants to create a unique and harmonious space.

Our staff are knowledgeable, friendly and flexible. And most importantly, reliable!

Let us help you develop your space to it's full potential.

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