Saturday, June 12, 2010

Osgood-Schlatter disease~

  • tibial tubercle apophyseal traction injury
  • rupture of the growth plate at the tibial tuberosity
  • tibial tubercle hurt
  • caused by overuse


Anonymous said...

hi i have Osgood-Schlatter and i hate it. I got it when i was 9 or 10 and my knee is still mest up and i'm 14 now. I just thought i should let people know that even though it can really hurt sometimes you can still do the things you loove you just have to give it time and rest it. Don't forget R.I.C.E!

Anonymous said...

If you have this like i do, don't give up with the things you love in life just be patient and over time it will go away i've had this disease for about 5 years now and patience is what it takes.

Joe said...

well, i’ve had it since i was in 6th grade. i’m currently 20. the pain has gone away alot but i still have knee pain if i stand for long periods of time. my bumps won’t go away and it hurts when they get pressed... so.... yeah...

Syracuse, NY

Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter's when I was in my early teens. I'm 26. The bump is still there, but I can generally kneel, run, jump and squat without any issues unless the bump gets hit hard.

Just one bump below the left knee.

- Joe
Logan, UT

Anonymous said...

I have this disease too. I've had it since age 11 and I'm 19 now. I play football at the University of Pennsylvania but I recently developed tendinitis in the patella and achilles tendons of the same leg. It's killing me.

Anonymous said...

I have had this since I was about 11. I am 42 now and have had surgery to remove the bump that was still there. I chose to have the surgery because I was still having some knee pain when kneeling and some when bending.Glad I did it!

jameia morman said...

well i dont have any bumps or anything but my doctor said if i take my meds and stay off the lrg for six weeks i should be fine hope i do and to u guys or girls with it with help from GOD and trust you can overcome anything.

Jameia Morman
Baconton, Georgia