amss uk

Association of Muslim Social Scientists UK

AMSS (UK) - Advancing Muslim Scholarship






AMSS (UK) Awards

The Association of Muslim Social Scientists (UK) has introduced these awards to recognise and highlight the achievement of individuals and organisations who have made a significant contribution either to their field of expertise, or to the promotion of social harmony, to interfaith dialogue or to Islamic thought. Please click here for more information about the awards and past recipients.


AMSS (UK) 2013 Building Bridges Award to be presented to Rt Rev Bishop Desmond Tutu.

The AMSS UK is pleased to annouce that it will be presenting their 2013 Building Bridges Award to Rt Rev Bishop Desmond Tutu.

The Award is being presented in recognition of Bishop Tutu’s sustained and courageous efforts to promote peace, harmony and goodwill, both locally and internationally, for passionately championing the cause of human rights across the world, and for working tirelessly towards realizing a climate of reconciliation and social cohesion for all, uplifting the human spirit and infusing it with dignity and hope.

Please click here for the annoucement flyer (pdf).

AMSS (UK) 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award given to Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, former Deputy Prime Minister, Malaysia.

The AMSS UK is pleased to announce that its prestigious 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award has been awarded to: Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, former Deputy Prime Minister, MALAYSIA in recognition of long and distinguished service in the field of politics and economic thought, the promotion of the cause of good governance and committment to the principles of freedom, tolerance and justice. The Award was presented at a lecture given by Dr. Anwar Ibrahim on 4th October 2012 at Sorbonne, Malesherbes, Paris, France. Click here for award presentation press release (pdf). Click here for award announcement (pdf). Click here for lecture information (pdf). Click here for full press release (PDF).

Dr. Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, CBE (Chair, AMSS UK), presenting the 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award to Dato Seri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim (right).
AMSS (UK) 2010 Building Bridges Award given to Professor Ahmet Davutoglu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Turkey.
The AMSS UK is pleased to announce that its prestigious 2010 Building Bridges Award has been awarded to: Professor Ahmet Davutoglu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, TURKEY in recognition of outstanding scholarly service, exceptional work on building bridges between communities and nations, and developing peaceful solutions to conflict. The Award was presented to Professor Davutoglu on 9th October 2012 in Turkey. Click here for award presentation press release (pdf). Click here for full press release (PDF). Click here for article in Asharq Al-Awsat online edition (external link). Click here for latest article in Asharq Al-Awsat (external link).
Dr. Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, CBE (Chair, AMSS UK), presenting the 2010 Building Bridges Award to Professor Ahmet Davutoglu (right).
AMSS (UK) 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award given to Professor Nadia Mustafa.
The AMSS (UK) LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD for 2010 was presented to PROFESSOR NADIA MUSTAFA, the former Professor of International Relations, University of Cario, Egypt, in recognition of outstanding scholarship, research and prolific writing on the study of the impact of religion on society, Western and Islamic paradigms of international relations theory, and analysis of intercultural dialogue. The award was presented to Professor Mustafa on 26th March 2013 in Cairo, Egypt, at an event organised in her honour by IIIT. Click here for award announcement (pdf).
AMSS (UK) 2012 Building Bridges Award given to Professor Nabil Matar, Presidential Professor, Departments of English and History, The Religious Studies Program, University of Minnesota.
The AMSS UK is pleased to announce that its prestigious 2012 Building Bridges Award has been awarded to: Professor Nabil Matar, Presidential Professor, Departments of English and History, The Religious Studies Program, University of Minnesota in recognition of his pioneering scholarship on the relationship between Islamic civilisation and early modern Europe as well as raising awareness of the historical roots of Western perceptions of Islam.Click here for award press release. Click here for event & award flyer. Click here for lecture booklet and programme. The award was presented at a lecture given by Prof. Matar entitled Henry Stubbe & the Prophet Muhammad: Challenging Misrepresentation - A Flash from the Past. The lecture was held at the Moller Centre, University of Cambridge on 28th March 2012, and was jointly organised by AMSS UK and the HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge. Click here for article in Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper (arabic, external link).
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[1] Lecture room and audience, [2] Address by Dr. Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali (Chair, AMSS UK), [3] Professor Nabil Matar presenting his lecture, [4] The AMSS 2012 Building Bridges Award, [5] Professor Nabil Matar, [6] Dr. Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, CBE (Chair, AMSS UK), presenting the 2012 Building Bridges Award to Professor Nabil Matar (right), [7] Event organisers and some members of the AMSS Executive Committee, including Dr. Jeremy Henzell-Thomas (AMSS UK), Professor Yasir Suleiman (Founding Director, HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge), Professor Nabil Matar, Dr. Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali (Chair, AMSS UK), Dr. Paul Anderson (Assistant Director, HRH Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge).



AMSS (UK) 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award given to Professor Bekir Karlığa, Civilization Studies Center, Bahçeşehir University, Turkey.
The AMSS UK is pleased to announce that its prestigious 2011 Lifetime Achievement award has been jointly awarded to: Professor Bekir Karlığa, Civilization Studies Center, Bahçeşehir University, Turkey in recognition of his outstanding academic scholarship and intellectual contribution as well as his leading role in the documentary The River Flowing Westard, and to Bahçeşehir University and TRT in recognition of their supprt for the production snd dissemination of the documentary The River Flowing Westward. The awards were presented at an event at Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey in May 2012.
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[1] Award being presented to Professor Bekir Karliga (left) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh Ali, Chair AMSS UK, in presence of HE Bulent Arinc, Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, [2] Award being presented to Enver Yucel, Chair of the Board of Trustees, Bahçeşehir University (left) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh Ali, Chair AMSS UK, in presence of HE Bulent Arinc, Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, [3] Award being presented to Ibrahim Sahin, General Manager, TRT, Turkey (left) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh Ali, Chair AMSS UK, in presence of HE Bulent Arinc, Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, [4] Professor Bekir Karliga (left) and Dr Anas Al-Shaikh Ali, Chair AMSS UK (right), [5] Address by HE Bulent Arinc, Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, [6] Award being presented to Professor Bekir Karliga (left) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh Ali, Chair AMSS UK, in presence of HE Bulent Arinc, Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, [7] The Team at Civilization Studies Center, Bahçeşehir University, Turkey: Murat Ekmekci, Hilal Yıldırım, Agah Karliaga, İsmihan Hemsin Genc, Tuba Posbiyik Urcu, [8] Address by Anas Al-Shaikh Ali, Chair AMSS UK, [9] Award plaque, [10] video clip of award presentation, [11] video clip of award presentation, [12] video of speech by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair AMSS UK.
AMSS (UK) 2011 Building Bridges Award given to Professor Jack R. Goody, Emeritus William Wyse Professor of Social Anthropology, St. John's College, University of Cambridge.
The AMSS UK is pleased to announce that its prestigious 2011 Building Bridges Award has been awarded to: Professor Jack R. Goody in recognition of his outstanding scholarship as well as pioneering work to raise awareness of the contributions of other cultures, societies and civilisations to Europe and the World. The Award was presented at a lecture given by Prof. Goody at the University of Westminster on 3rd June 2011. Click here for details of the lecture. Click here for lecture programme. Click here for award press release. Click here for article on Prof Goody's award (external link to Asharq Alawsat). Click here for review of Prof Goody's book Theft of History (external link to Asharq Alawsat).
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[1] Meeting before the lecture: Professor Yasir Suleiman (left), Professot Jack R. Goody (centre), Dr. Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali (right), [2] Professor Yasir Suleiman presenting the opening address, [3] The AMSS 2011 Building Bridges Award, [4] Dr. Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali (left), Chair of AMSS, presenting the 2011 Building Bridges Award to Prof. Jack R. Goody (right), [5] Prof. Jack R. Goody (right) presenting his lecture 'Europe and the Near East: The Prescence and Absence of Metals', [6] Dr. Abdelwahab El-Affendi offering the vote of thanks and closing remarks.

AMSS (UK) 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award given to Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, former Deputy Prime Minister, Malaysia.

The AMSS UK is pleased to announce that its prestigious 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award has been awarded to: Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, former Deputy Prime Minister, MALAYSIA in recognition of long and distinguished service in the field of politics and economic thought, the promotion of the cause of good governance and committment to the principles of freedom, tolerance and justice. The Award will be presented at a lecture given by Dr Anwar Ibrahim on 4th October 2012 at Sorbonne, Malesherbes, Paris, FRANCE. Click here for award announcement (pdf). Click here for lecture information (pdf). Click here for full press release (PDF).

Anwar Ibrahim
Archive photo of Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim (right) at an event in 2009, pictured with Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK.
AMSS (UK) 2010 Building Bridges Award given to Professor Ahmet Davutoglu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Turkey.
The AMSS UK is pleased to announce that its prestigious 2010 Building Bridges Award has been awarded to: Professor Ahmet Davutoglu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, TURKEY in recognition of outstanding scholarly service, exceptional work on building bridges between communities and nations, and developing peaceful solutions to conflict. The Award will be presented at a ceremony to take place soon. Click here for full press release (PDF). Click here for article in Asharq Al-Awsat online edition (external link).
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[1] Archive photo of Professor Ahmet Davutoglu (left) participlating in a previous AMSS conference, [2] Archive photo of Professor Ahmet Davutoglu speaking at an event at Harvard Univeristy in September 2010 (Original Photo: Martin Steinbauer, rights/permission free).
AMSS (UK) 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award given to Professor John L. Esposito and Professor Charles E. Butterworth.

The AMSS UK is pleased to announce that its prestigious 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award has been presented to two recipients at the A Common Word Between Us and You: A Global Agenda for Change Conference, 6-8 October 2009 at the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University, USA. The Award was presented by Dr. Ibrahim Kalin, Chief Advisor to the Prime Minister of Turkey, and Shaikh Amr Khaled on behalf of Dr. Anas S. Al-Shaikh-Ali, CBE, Chair, AMSS UK. Click here for the Awards Press Release (pdf).

Professor John L. Esposito, Founding Director, Prince Alwaleed Centre for Muslim-Christian Understanding, USA, in recognition of his outstanding academic contributions and pioneering work in developing the academic study and understanding of Faiths and their relations.

Professor Charles E. Butterworth, Emeritus Professor, University of Maryland, USA, in recognition of outstanding scholarly service to the study of Islamic political philosophy and medieval Arabic giving academic prominence to advanced Islamic philosophical discourse and its relevance for the current era.

Dr. Anas S. Al-Shaikh-Ali, CBE sent the following message to the conference:

I would like to express my deep thanks to President DeGioia, Prince Ghazi, and Professor Esposito for their kind invitation to attend the conference. Although I was looking forward with keen interest to take part in such an important event it is unfortunate that my Visa, although already issued, has not yet been delivered with my passport even as late as Wednesday morning. I much regret therefore that I will not have the privilege to be with you.

The Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre is a superb initiative which aims to build stronger bridges of understanding between the Muslim world and the West as well as between Islam and Christianity. It is groundbreaking that it has come together with A Common Word (the largest Muslim interfaith initiative towards Christians to date), to focus on global issues and initiatives for change and develop concrete proposals to advance global peace and security between Muslim and Western societies.

My colleagues at the AMSS UK Executive Committee join me in sending our warm congratulations to Professor Esposito and Professor Butterworth on receiving the AMSS Life Achievement Award 2009. We are honoured to present this Award as a tribute to two exceptional scholars who have shown great dedication and vision throughout their career.

I wish the Conference every success.

Dr. Anas S. Al-Shaikh-Ali, CBE

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[1],[2] Professors Charles E. Butterworth (left) and John L. Esposito (right) at the A Commond Word Conference at the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University, Washington, USA, 6-8th October 2009, [3] from left to right: Awards presented to Professors Charles E. Butterworth and John L. Esposito by Shaikh Amr Khaled and Dr. Ibrahim Kalin, Chief Advisor to the Prime Minister of Turkey on behalf of Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, CBE, Chair of AMSS UK who was unable to attend, [4] Dr. Ibrahim Kalin, Chief Advisor to the Prime Minister of Turkey (left) and Shaikh Amr Khaled (right).
AMSS (UK) 2009 Building Bridges Award jointly given to the British Council's 'Our Shared Europe' Project, and 1001 Inventions - Muslim Heritage in Our World.

The AMSS UK is pleased to announce that its prestigious Building Bridges Award for 2009 has been jointly given to the British Council, in recognition of the 'Our Shared Europe' project which seeks to generate awareness and better understanding of Muslim contributions to European culture and society; and to 1001 Inventions - Muslim Heritage in Our World, in recognition of the notable contribution of the 1001 Inventions educational project to reveal the rich heritage that the Muslim community share with other communities in the UK, Europe and across the World. Both awards were presented during the third AMSS(UK) Annual Zaki Badawi Memorial Lecture held on 5th June 2009 at the University of Westminster, London, UK.

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[1] Award presented by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (left) to Professor Mike Hardy (right), who received it on behalf of the British Council's 'Our Shared Europe' project, [2] Award presented by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (left) to Professor Salim al-Hassani (right), who received it on behalf of 1001 Inventions - Muslim Heritage in Our World, [3] Group photo: Professor Salim al-Hassani (left), Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali (centre), and Professor Mike Hardy (right).

AMSS (UK) 2008 Building Bridges Award given to 'A Common Word' Project.

The AMSS UK is pleased to announce that its prestigious Building Bridges Award for 2008 was presented to ‘A Common Word’ project on 3rd November 2008 on the occasion of the 1st Catholic-Muslim Forum Conference, 4th-6th November, Vatican City. The Award was presented by Dr. Anas S. Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS (UK). The importance of A Common Word Between Us and You, and Pope Benedict XVI’s esteemed support, signal a new era of mutual respect and harmony between the Abrahamic faiths. Living and working together in diversity is a challenge and religious beliefs and differences in cultures can sometimes give rise to deep-seated negativities. The Common Word project is a superb initiative to not only generate awareness, understanding, and respect, but also, and most importantly, establish trust through promoting interfaith dialogue, conflict resolution and intellectual discourse. Click here for full press release (pdf), click here for press release flyer (pdf), or click here for: press releases page. Click here to read article on the awards in Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper (external link).

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[1] Award presented by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (left) to Dr Muhammed Hashim Kamali (right), who received it on behalf of A Common Word project, [2] Dr Muhammed Hashim Kamali (right), Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (centre), also pictured with Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr (left), [3] Audience, [4] Presentation announcement delivered in Italian, [5] Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK meeting His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, [6] His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI meeting delegates.

AMSS (UK) 2008 Lifetime Achievement Award.

The AMSS UK is pleased to announce that its prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award for 2008 was presented to Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr on 3rd November 2008 on the occasion of the 1st Catholic-Muslim Forum Conference, 4th-6th November 2008, Vatican City. The Award was presented by Dr. Anas S. Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS (UK). The Award was given to Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr in recognition of long and distinguished service in the field of Islamic thought, science and spirituality. Seyyed Hossein Nasr is University Professor of Islamic Studies at George Washington University, prolific writer, foremost expert on comparative religion, and one of the world’s leading scholars on Islamic science and spirituality. Professor Nasr has devoted his life to the intellectual study of Islam, writing extensively on various disciplines including Islamic philosophy, history, civilization, exposition of Islamic spirituality, the philosophy of science, the environmental crisis, interreligious understanding, and Islamic art. His invaluable attempts to foster greater global understanding of Islam and Muslims, through numerous works, studies, and essays, have made him one of the leading Muslim thinkers of today. Click here for full press release (pdf), or click here for: press releases page. Click here to read article on the awards in Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper (external link).

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[1] Award presented to Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr (right) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (left), [2] Professor Seyyed Hossein Nasr (left), Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (centre), also pictured with Dr Muhammed Hashim Kamali (right).

AMSS (UK) 2007 Lifetime Achievement Award given to Dr Mustafa Ceric (the Grand Mufti of Bosnia).
On Thursday 15th May, Dr Mustafa Ceric, Grand Mufti of Bosnia, delivered the Second AMSS UK Zaki Badawi Annual Memorial Lecture on "Towards a Muslim Social Contract in Europe" at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. On this occasion, the AMSS Lifetime Achievement Award for 2007 was presented to Dr Ceric by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK. The award was presented to Dr Ceric in recognition of his distinguished contributions to better understanding between faiths, outstanding scholarship, for promoting a climate of respect and peaceful co-existence, and a wider recognition of the place of faith in Europe and the West.
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[1], [2] Award presented to Dr Mustafa Ceric, the Grand Mufti of Bosnia (right) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (left),[3], [4] Dr Ceric delivering the 2nd Annual Zaki Badawi Memorial Lecture.

AMSS (UK) 2006 Building Bridges Award jointly awarded to the Prime Minister of Turkey and the Prime Minister of Spain.
The AMSS (UK) 2006 Building Bridges Award was jointly awarded to Recep Tayyip Erdogan (the Prime Minister of Turkey) and J.L. Rodriquez Zapatero (the Prime Minister of Spain) at the 1st Alliance of Civilisations Forum in Madrid Spain on 15th January 2008. The award was presented in recognition of their distinguished efforts to unify communities separated by race, culture and religion, for promoting a climate of respect, and peaceful co-existence through launching the Alliance of Civilizations project, as well as for their work in advancing interfaith dialogue. Click here for full press release (PDF).
Recep Tayyip Erdogan[1] Jose Luis Rodriquez Zapatero[2]
Jose Zapatero[3] Presentation Video[4]

[1] Award presented to Recip Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey (right) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS (UK) (left), [2] Award presented to Juan Luis Rodriquez Zapatero, Prime Minister of Spain (right) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS (UK) (centre), [3] J.L.T. Zapatero speech (left), [4] Video of award presentation (click to watch).

AMSS (UK) 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award given to Professor Muhammad Abdel Haleem.
The AMSS (UK) 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award was given to Professor Muhammad Abdel Haleem at the Politics of Islamism conference held at the University of Westminster London on 10th November 2007. The award is presented in recognition for a distinguished career and service to the field of Islamic thought and outstanding contributions to the study of the Arabic language and the Qur’an.
Prof Abdel Haleem[1]

[1] Award presented to Professor Muhammad Abdel Haleem (right) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (left).

AMSS (UK) 2005 Lifetime Achievement Award given to Professor Fuat Sezgin.
The AMSS (UK) 2005 Lifetime Achievement Award was given to Professor Fuat Sezgin. As the ailing professor was too ill to attend, the Award was presented to a representative at the 6th Annual AMSS (UK) Conference, Citizenship, Security and Democracy, 1-3 September 2006. Professor Sezgin is one of the major scholars of the history of science and technology in the Islamic world, and currently the Director of the Institute of Arabic-Islamic Sciences at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. He is one of the world’s leading authorities on Islam’s Golden Age of Science, and Muslim Cartographers, and is also one of that period’s most prolific chroniclers. He has just published three new installments of his to date 13-volume history of Arabic-Islamic science.
Prof Fuat Sezgin[1]

[1] Archive photo of Professor Fuat Sezgin.

AMSS (UK) 2005 Building Bridges Award given to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams.
The AMSS (UK) 2005 Building Bridges Award was given to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, at the inaugural Zaki Badawi Annual Memorial Lecture held at Lambeth Palace on 26th April 2007. The Archbishop has graciously accepted the Award which is being given to him in recognition of his work for better understanding between faiths, and, for a wider recognition of faiths in present day Western culture. His work will generate greater understanding and awareness between communities through inter-faith dialogue and intellectual discourse.
Dr Rowan Williams[1]

[1] Award presented to Dr Rowan Williams, The Archbishop of Canterbury (right) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (left).

AMSS (UK) 2004 Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Dr Martin Lings.
In recognition for a distinguished career and service to the field of Islamic thought and scholarship, and in bringing to light the universal message of Islam, the AMSS presented its 2004 Lifetime Achievement award to Dr Martin Lings. The Award was presented on 2nd May 2005 at the Message of the Beloved Conference, Wembley Conference Centre, London, UK. Click here for the press release (PDF) . Martin Lings passed away on the 13th May 2005 shortly after recieving this award recognising his life and works. Click here to read the press release and obituary (PDF) .
Dr Martin Lings[1]

[1] Archive photo of the late Dr Martin Lings.

AMSS (UK) 2003 Lifetime Achievement Award postumously presented to Edward Said.
In February 2004, at the 5th Annual AMSS (UK) conference, Fiqh Today, held at the University of Westminster, London, the AMSS 2003 Lifetime Achievement Award was postumously awarded to Edward Said in recognition of his outstanding scholarly contributions and intellectual engagement. Click here for latest article in Asharq Al-Awsat (external link).
Edward Said's Award[1]

[1] Award presented by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (left) to Michel Abdul Messih, QC (centre), who received it on behalf of the late Edward Said, also pictured with Professor Zaki Badawi (right).

AMSS (UK) 2003 Building Bridges Award presented to Karen Armstrong.
In February 2004, at the 5th Annual AMSS (UK) conference, Fiqh Today, held at the University of Westminster, London, the AMSS 2003 Building Bridges Award was presented to writer and historian Karen Armstrong in recognition of her contribution towards promoting inter-faith dialogue and understanding.
Karen Armstrong[1]

[1] Award presented to Karen Armstrong (right) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (left).

AMSS (UK) 2002 Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Professor Zaki Badawi.

On 11th August 2002 AMSS (UK) were honoured to present the 2002 Lifetime Achievement Award to Professor Zaki Badawi in recognition for a distinguished career and service to the field of Islamic thought, community service and the promotion of interfaith relations. The award was presented by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair AMSS (UK) at a special function in London to mark the 80th birthday of Shaykh Badawi. Professor Badawi is currently Principal of The Muslim College in London. His interests are Islamic Theology, Muslim Jurisprudence and the History of Muslim Law and he frequently writes and broadcasts on Muslims affairs. He has been Director and Chief Imam of the Islamic Cultural Centre and Regent's Park Mosque and Director of the Islamic Finance House, London. He is Chairman of the Imams and Mosques Council UK and of the Muslim Law (Shariah) Council UK, Vice Chairman of the World Congress of Faiths, Advisor to the Templeton Foundation and Director/Trustee of the Forum Against Islamophobia and Racism (FAIR). He is a Member of the Central Religious Advisory Committee at the BBC and ICT Commissioners. He has held a variety of academic posts around the world and is involved with numerous international academic and religious organisations. His qualifications are Al Aliyah & Al Alimiyyah (Al Azhar University, Cairo) and BA PhD (London University).

Shaikh Dr Zaki Badawi[1] Shaikh Dr Zaki Badawi[2]

[1] Award presented to Professor Zaki Badawi (right) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (left), [2] Archive photo of Professor Zaki Badawi (left) pictured at an event with Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (right).

AMSS (UK) 2002 Building Bridges Award presented to Charles Le Gai Eaton.

On Thursday 20th June 2002 at the Moses Room, House of Lords, UK, the AMSS (UK) were honoured to present Charles Le Gai Eaton with the 2002 Building Bridges Award in recognition of his achievement in bringing to light the universal and authentic message of Islam.

Charles Le Gai Eaton[1]

[1] Archive photo of Charles Le Gai Eaton.

AMSS (UK) 2001 Lifetime Achievement Award presented to H. E. Alija Izetbegovic (Former Preisdent, Bosnia-Herzegovina).

In recognition for a distinguished career and service to the field of Islamic thought and international politics, the AMSS (UK) was honoured to present the 2001 Lifetime Achievement Award to Alija Izetbegovic. As well as former President of Bosnia-Herzegovina Alija Izetbegovic is also a respected scholar and writer. He is best known for his book Islam Between East and West which was originally published 1984 when he was a political prisoner in Communist Yugoslavia. The book has gone on to become a European bestseller and hailed by many as a landmark analysis of the human condition and the West's relationship to Islam.

HE Alija Izetbegovic[1]

[1] Archive photo of H.E. Alija Izetbegovic.

AMSS (UK) 2000 Academic Achievement Award presented to Professor Ali Mazrui.

On Wednesday 14 June 2000 Professor Ali Mazrui, a leading African academic and intellectual, made history by becoming the first African to launch a book and address a distinguished audience at the Moses Room, House of Lords, UK. The Chairman of the AMSS (UK), Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali marked the occasion by presenting Professor Mazrui with the AMSS's first and newly established award for important academic achievement.

Prof Mazrui[1]

[1] Award presented to Professor Ali Mazrui (left) by Dr Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, Chair of AMSS UK (right).

AMSS (UK) Receives the Muslim News Award for Excellence 2002 .

The Muslim News Awards for Excellence 2002 was held in London on 11th December 2002. At the event, attended by HRH The Prince of Wales, as well as 550 Muslim and non-Muslim politicians, professionals, students and community workers and leaders, the AMSS (1999) won The Fazlur Rahman Khan Award for Excellence in Engineering, Technology and Science. The AMSS (UK) won the award for its work on the social sciences by providing a unique platform for the development of Islamic thought through research, publications and conferences, and for creating an awareness of Islamic opinions on topical and emerging academic issues relevant to Muslims. Receiving the Award on behalf of the Association, Dr. Anas Al-Shaikh-Ali, the Chairman said: “I am sure the Executive Committee, the Advisory Board and all our members and supporters will be delighted to see that the work and the potential of the Association have been so quickly recognised and acknowledged. The main reason for its success is team work and team spirit.”

Prof Mazrui Prof Mazrui

The Muslim News Award for Excellence 2002 - awarded to AMSS (UK).



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