Alexz Johnson Portrait Magazine Interview, Article, and Cover

Here is Portrait Magazine’s interview with Alexz!

Read it here at Portrait Magazine.

Go to Portrait Magazine to read their interview with Alexz Johnson.

You recently parted way from your record label. Can you tell us a little about your current plans to release your music and the website you recently opened?
My plan is to get my music out there!

Since we last spoke you’ve guest starred on “Smallville” and starred in the film Stranger with my Face. Can you tell us a little about Stranger with my Face and your experiences shooting it?
It was a pretty intense film to shoot because I was playing two completely different characters. I had a great time, and enjoyed the challenge. Jeff Renfroe is an awesome director, and working with Andrew Francis again was a treat.

Are you pursuing any further acting jobs in the next year or so or is your music currently your sole focus?
Music is always my sole focus, but I’m open to quality stuff that fits in with that..

We’ve had a ton of fans submitting questions regarding touring and whether you plan to visit their country. What are your current top 5 dream tour destinations?
So many! I’d love to perform in Paris/France, London, Japan !… So many places…

Fan Questions:

Question from superdud1400: Can you share any information on your recent songs, such as song names or inspiration?
A Little Bit was written in about 10 minutes… it was inspired by feeling like I just needed a little helping hand…
Voodoo was the last song recorded for the album…
Boogie Love was a blast to work on and made us feel like we were in a classic Coca-cola commercial while we were working on it…
Taker, we call one of our “classics” as it was written a few years back and was close to being recorded for the Epic album. We’re thankful it wasn’t!!

Question from rpattzissexy: Have there been moments where a song is too personal for you to let others hear?

Sometimes, but I rarely go back and make it less personal. I try to be honest and open with what I feel while writing. If it fits with the song and helps listeners connect with it more, it’s always worth keeping.

Question from kittens_33: You write a lot of songs with Brendan, is it ever weird to write about personal situations with your brother?
That’s what’s so magic about working with Bren. He seems to allow me that room to dig deep and be super honest. I feel like with certain writers I can shine a light, Bren’s one of those writers. We’re just on the same line of the same page.

Question from kittens_33: Can you tell us more about Laydee Spencer Music Inc. and how it came about?
That’s just my company.

Question from Scott: If you could give one piece of advice for someone who wants to break into the Entertainment business, what would you say to them?
Work on your craft and don’t take anything personally. Cream rises to the top and if you want it bad enough, you’ll have your moment to kill it.

Question from Jimmie: Since your first TV show debut on Disney’s So Weird, your fans have kept audio rips of your songs from then on. Do you as an artist find it sentimental to keep the tracks of the songs you’ve recorded over the past years, or does that kind of thing not necessarily appeal to you?
It’s not really important to me… maybe more to my Mom? Lol.. I’m so often working on new stuff and creating new vibes that when I get a chance to look back, it just makes me realize how much I’ve learned… I’ll probably feel the same way when I look back on stuff I’m doing now! That’s what makes life so interesting !

Question from Jimmie: Understandably you have remained positive about your future plans toward your musical career. How have you been able to deal with the emotional turmoil of the loss of two contracts due to changes in business, disagreements, and/or the recession?
It’s been one of the most difficult things I’ve had to experience so far in my life. I believe it’s made me so much stronger, and I see and feel things differently. I wouldn’t take back any of my experiences because they’re sculpting the kind of artist I am and the kind of artist I want to be.

Question from Courntey: What was your most rewarding experience in the last five years and was “Instant Star” one of them?
Instant Star holds so many amazing memories… There’s been some wonderful moments of the past 5 years… One that stands out would be hearing the feedback on Bren and my music from some of the best writers and musicians of our time.. Knowing it’s all there and the only thing stopping it from connecting with the world is corporate decisions.. that was a cool feeling. You get this feeling of, “Ya, I knew we weren’t insane… I knew there’s something here”…. The string session was a rewarding experience.. working with Greg Wells and learning from him.. Playing the new album for friends and family was an amazing feeling. That feeling of rising above the wreckage, you know? It’s amazing.

Question from Brendon: Did you know that Demi Lovato once said she got into music because of you?
I heard that! Too cool… she’s a talent.

Question from clburke: Your music is so different than Jude’s, but you sing both with so much emotion and depth. Did you enjoy singing the Instant Star music? Did you really “feel” it, or was that all part of acting the character of Jude?
I totally felt it. I really feel lyrics when I sing.. I find a lot of the Instant Star songs really beautifully written…

Question from Seleana: What is your favourite thing to do when you’re not working?
I like yoga ! It turns my mind off.. I like watching classic movies, going out for quiet candle-lit dinners with people I love and checking out bands. I like bonfires and hanging with my fam.

Question from Jimmie: You recently began reaching out to your fans personally through your Twitter and your new official website .. How does this affect you as an artist versus having no contact with them before?
I like it! I enjoy having that one on one with them so they can understand who I am a bit more, and so I can understand them too! I’ve got some pretty rad fans! It’s cool, I’m really thankful and I’m so excited to share this new music with them..

Question from iam_austin: Do you keep in contact with any “Instant Star” cast mates?
I saw Laura the other day! It’s hard as things get so busy and not everyone’s in the same city! I miss them though, and hope to cross paths soon!

Question from rpattzissexy: Is charity and giving back an important thing for you? Do you have a favorite charity?
When it gets hard, it’s the push to get through the tough times… Giving back is the most important thing, and actually being in a business that can connect with so many people and send positive messages and support worldwide, is the dream for me.

Question from Waffles: Are you planning or have you already done any collaboration with other artists for your new music?
On this album, Bren and I specifically wanted to make the music we felt inside. We’re excited to maybe collaborate on our next album! You never know..

Question from Susi: Are you a fan of any Non English speaking musicians? If so, who?
Carla Bruni – I love falling asleep to her songs..
I really love Deep Forest – they’re such talented producers and writers and their rhythms are beautiful.
Soko’s an interesting writer.

Questions from Waffles: Is your new material going to be released physically or digitally?
The plan is both!

Question from Victoria: With the acting roles you’ve had so far. Which was your favorite character to play and why?
That’s tough…
J u d e ! 🙂 I thought she was rad.. fearless in ways, and never tried too hard.

Question from ljcs: What is the last song (of any artist) that was stuck in your head and you found yourself singing over and over?
Oh man, it happens to me all the time. “Being Here” by The Stills is on constant rotation in my head. Especially when I’m walking for some reason?

Question from Brice: What characteristics or qualities does she look for in guys?
Humor, and a kind heart. Class and someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously.

Question from Joe: How do you deal with these supposed fans leaking your new material?
Well… there seems to be not much I can really do. So, I push it far far down and try not to deal with it now….. but when I do, it’s frustrating.

Question from Lies: What do you like the most about music?
How it can speak right into someone’s heart.

Their article on Alexz:

Alexz Johnson’s loyal fans have stuck with her since the days of “So Weird,” her Disney TV show. Since her most recent hit TV show “Instant Star” ended, fans have watched her in star in the movie Stranger With My Face and guest star in an episode of the TV show “Smallville”. Alexz’s supporters are now eagerly anticipating the release of her debut album, scheduled to be released in the fall of this year. “I’ve got some pretty rad fans,” Alexz says. “It’s cool, I’m really thankful, and I’m so excited to share this new music with them.”

Since we last spoke to Alexz, she had a role in the TV show “Smallville” and starred in the movie Stranger With My Face. In Stranger With My Face, Alexz plays characters Laurie and Lia Stratton. The movie premiered on Lifetime Movie Network on August 29. “It was a pretty intense film to shoot because I was playing two completely different characters,” says Alexz. “But I had a great time and enjoyed the challenge.”

After completing her acting projects, Alexz channeled her energy and songwriting talents into writing and recording songs for her debut album. She worked with her brother Brenden to construct her debut album, which is to be released with her company Laydee Spencer Music Inc. “Working with Bren…allowed me that room to dig deep and be super honest,” Alexz confides. “I feel like with certain writers I can shine a light; Bren’s one of those writers. We’re just on the same line of the same page. I write about all sorts of things and a lot of my songs are based on real life things. I try to be honest and open with what I feel while writing and I really feel lyrics when I sing.”

“I feel that [singing] really keeps you in touch with yourself because you’re able to put your emotions out there,” continues Alexz. “When you’re singing music it’s all you; you’re not acting like anyone else. There’s a real quality to it and I love using my voice. I feel that everyone has a gift and my voice is my gift. I feel like I’m doing myself justice by singing.”

“A Little Bit was written in about 10 minutes,” Alexz says as she begins to explain some her the songs on her album. “It was inspired by feeling like I just needed a little helping hand. Boogie Love was a blast to work on and made us feel like we were in a classic Coca-Cola commercial while we were working on it. Taker, we call one of our “classics” as it was written a few years back.”

Alexz is also thankful for “Instant Star,” which has shaped her career into what it is today. “I saw Laura [from “Instant Star”] the other day,” she tells us. “It’s hard as things get so busy and not everyone’s in the same city. I miss them though, and hope to cross paths soon. “Instant Star” holds so many amazing memories. There have been some wonderful moments of the past 5 years. I’m so often working on new stuff and creating new vibes that when I get a chance to look back, it just makes me realize how much I’ve learned. I’ll probably feel the same way when I look back on stuff I’m doing now! That’s what makes life so interesting!”

Refreshingly, Alexz doesn’t feel pressured by the media and Hollywood to be the girl that they want her to be. “People can make that choice to be peer pressured,” Alexz tells us. “To me, I’m in it for the music. I want to make legendary music, music that has a long-term effect on people. The artists I like, from Annie Lennox to Peter Gabriel to Kate Bush, they aren’t in the tabloids. They’re just artists who are making truly great music that will go down in history. I just love making music and I love working with really talented musicians, songwriters. I guess it depends on what people are in it for. If people are in it for the love of Hollywood, then I guess you would be peer pressured to try and fit in a box, but if you’re in it for you, your friends and family and making good music, then you shouldn’t feel that way.”

ut Alexz loves her job of performing for others and making her mark on the world. “When you put yourself in this business, you have to take the good and the bad and you can’t believe the bad but you also can’t believe the positive,” she says. “It works both ways. [I have] a very social job and I love that. You can be creative, you’re a bit of a leader; you’re creating things that the world can potentially see and you’re changing the culture! You’re making your own little culture and having people feed off that. That’s exciting. The negatives of the business are that unfortunately a lot of it is tied onto image and money. There are a lot of artists out there that are where they are based on money and different reasons, other than talent. That bothers me sometimes. But as I said previously, it just depends on what you’re in it for. You can take as much positive and negative out of it as you want. If you’re just doing it to make music you love and be true to yourself, then it shouldn’t be a problem.”

This entry was posted on Sunday, November 1st, 2009 at 2:24 am and is filed under Alexz Johnson, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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