The Handbook of Adaptive Switches and
Augmentative Communication Devices
... 3rd edition ...

... over 300 pages of useful information you need ...

Handbook Front Cover

The Handbook of Adaptive Switches and Augmentative Communication Devices, 3rd edition, is an essential sourcebook for assistive technology specialists, teachers, therapists, and others who select or help others select adaptive switches and augmentative communication devices for persons with disabilities.

The Handbook provides comprehensive practical and technical information pertinent to device selection for a wide variety of commercially available switches and aug-com devices. It contains physical descriptions; pictures; laboratory test data on switch activation and release pressures, travel distances, and compliance; and other functional information to help you choose the most appropriate pressure switch and augmentative device for a particular person.

The second and third editions add over 100 new pages containing data sheets for additional devices, more indexes, and new chapters and worksheets brimming with practical information on ergonomics and physical interaction, seating and positioning, control access, and other assessment and functional concerns. Click the icon below to view sample pages and data sheets.

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