Free Patterns

Free Patterns.

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holds the copyright to these free patterns.

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tell them they can download the patterns themselves from this site.

We know you will be very pleased with our free patterns when you have them framed and
hanging on a wall in your home.

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92 sts x 200 sts
45 colors

A Country Lane 2
A Country Lane 2
150 sts x 200 sts
59 colors

John Bull
John bull
179 x 200 sts
33 colours

Mountain Goats
Mountain Goats
188 x 148 sts
35 colours

168 x 200 sts
43 colours

Sunset Palm
Sunset Palm
143 sts x 136 sts
33 colors

A Difficult Crossing
A Difficult crossing
220 x 236 sts
72 colours

Balance Beam
Balance Beam
179 x 171 sts
7 colours

Clown Fish
Clown Fish
200 sts x 150 sts
48 colors

140 x 199 sts
75 colours

103 x 199 sts
43 colours

Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk
136 sts x 199 sts
48 colors

The Reader
The Reader
198 x 151 sts
56 colours

Assorted Fruits
Assorted Fruits
171 x 157 stitches
38 colours

Boab Tree
Boab Tree
153 sts x 200 sts
37 colors

136 sts x 195 sts
41 colors

101 sts x 200 sts
40 colors

Assisi Surfing
Assisi Surfing
200 sts x 124 sts
1 color

Autumn Leaves
Autumn Leaves
200 sts x 114 sts
28 colors

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