
LAR 2011: the toughest adventure race in Baltics 19.07.2011 21:23
Latvia Adventure Raid 2011 (LAR) will take place on August 5-7 in Eastern part of Latvia. Region called Latgale is famous for countless lakes, and this year LAR race course will be full of water obstacles. Almost 25 (!) swimming sections are included in longest - EXPERT (44 h) - course. Some 18 swimming options for SPORT division (24 h). And there is short FUN division (6 h) as well.

Swimming, coasteering, snorkeling and canoeing will give some wet experience. But there will be many biking and trekking stages as well. Some of them will take place in urban area, but most in wilderness. Navigation - by maps, legends, photo-legends.

ATTENTION: lower application rate till July 22!

Full race info:

19.07.2011 21:23

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