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SMK Awards 2024

Age UK London is proud to announce that it has been named the runner-up in the prestigious Sheila McKechnie Foundation Awards (SMK) in the Best Community Campaign category for our London Loos campaign. This award is dedicated to all of our brilliant local campaigners who have dedicated their time and efforts to campaigning for much needed toilets in London.

Age UK London is a charity that campaigns for an age-friendly London

We campaign for specific change to improve the lives of older Londoners. We also work to ensure that their experiences, needs and contributions are heard and taken into account by decision makers.

Our latest campaigns

Out and About - London Loos

We’ve launched London Loos – a call for better public toilet provision in the capital. London’s lack of toilets is a serious public health concern and it is already disadvantaged groups of Londoners.

Mind the Digital Gap

Age UK London are campaigning for urgent action to address the profound challenges of digital exclusion impacting the daily lives of thousands of older Londoners.

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