log cabin shed

Log Cabin Kits to Buy Online

FREE Delivery to most of the UK

Current Delivery Lead Time (Updated 31 May 2024):

Our current lead time on cabin supply (unless stated otherwise within the detail page for a particular cabin) is between 6 and 8 weeks.

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Do you need a Custom or Bespoke Cabin Kit ?

Although our extensive and flexible range of cabins will suit most needs, we understand there are times when a bespoke or custom design is required to fulfill a buildings potential as a useful construction.

We offer two possibilities for non standard cabins :

In either case, use the links above to go to the relevant page where you can send us information about your proposed garden cabin project.

Full Bespoke Build

Rob said - "Absolutely fantastic cabin easy to erect we didn't quite know what to expect and have been thrilled by the end product best kit on the market thank you Martin my wife loves the space its provided at a great price too best wishes Robert and Charlotte mid wales"
Rating : 5/ 5
Review Date - 12 July 2021

Custom design cabin

Custom Size a Standard Building

Stuart said - "Brought our cabin from these guys, they designed our cabin to how we wanted , very happy with the outcome , will have many years of enjoyment out of it Thanks Martin and team"
Rating : 5/ 5
Review Date - 10 May 2022

Bespoke cabin design
Timber Cabins
Lasita Maja

Our most widely chosen wall thickness is 44mm. All our garden buildings in this size come with double glazing as standard, you can view all our wood cabins for sale showing you all the options available on this page. Note - most buildings that have a ridge height of more than 2.5m and fall outside the planning requirement (when a building is positioned less than 2.0m from your boundary) can be manufactured with a ridge height of 2.5m - please call for details.

With 23 years (est. 2001) of experience selling and installing interlocking wooden cabins we have produced a comprehensive set of documents providing useful tips and advise to those that want to install a garden building - and there is no reason not to with just a modicum of DIY ability, most will find installation a breeze. Take a look at our knowledge base for answers to the questions most asked and our news page.

How to buy a cabin from log cabin kits
Delivering your log cabin
Constreuction video

Best Log Cabin Kits UK

It's a big shout - we know that, but we will put our money where our mouth is with this statement. Although not the largest supplier, we are convinced the range of cabins we offer and the ability to optionalise provides our customers with the best solution for their garden cabin kit. Our reviews, collected on reviews.co.uk are all from genuine customers, take a look to see how pleased they are ! Combine these facts and its then easier to understand why we believe that Garden Adventure offers the best kits in the UK.

Garden Log Cabins

Our cabins have many uses. Whichever use a cabin has, they all have the same appealing beauty giving refreshment and rejuvenation to the mind and soul. These cabins are a great idea because they establish a secondary space to stay and potentially can add value to your home. We can supply a huge range of styles and designs to suit all different sizes of gardens, all you have to do is just choose the right one for your garden and proposed use. We don't pretend to supply the cheapest log cabins, but what we do offer is a quality product at a sensible price.

Planning Permission

In most cases your new building will not need planning permission but there are cases where this will apply. It is worthwhile carrying out a little research before you start work on your project. The government provide a web based guide called Planning Portal. This also gives information on Building regulations that may come into play depending on usage and size.

Cabin Delivery Areas

We can deliver our buildings throughout UK mainland - lead time will depend on your location in relation to our UK hub in Leicester. Delivery can only be made to mainland destinations, if the final destination is to any islands, we can drop of at a mainland port of your choice - the onward transportation must be arranged by the customer. Please allow additional time for deliveries to the extremities of the Uk including the South West, North Wales and Scotland.

Cabin Kit Gallery

There are many reasons why you should buy a garden building from logcabinkits.co.uk. We think these are a few of the most important ones:

  • Quality: Logcabinkits.co.uk only sells high-quality cabins made from the best materials. Our buildings are built to last and with some considered maintenance will provide you with years of enjoyment. Cabins are often valued for their natural beauty, durability, and unique aesthetic appeal.
  • Variety: Logcabinkits.co.uk has a wide variety of designs and styles to choose from, so you're sure to find one that's perfect for your needs. We have cabins of all sizes, shapes, and styles, so you can find the perfect one for your garden.
  • Customisation: Logcabinkits.co.uk provides a range of customisation options, allowing you to personalise your building according to your specific needs and preferences. This could include selecting different sizes, floor plans, roofing options, and interior finishes.
  • Affordability: Logcabinkits.co.uk offers competitive prices. You can get the cabin of your dreams without breaking the bank.
  • Easy assembly: Logcabinkits.co.uk provides kits designed for straightforward assembly, even for individuals without extensive construction experience. With basic DIY skills and support from our customer service, if required, you CAN build a cabin yourself !
  • Convenience: Logcabinkits.co.uk makes it easy to buy your garden cabin. You can shop online or over the phone. We offer free delivery to most of the UK.
  • Excellent customer service: Logcabinkits.co.uk has a team of experienced and knowledgeable staff who are always happy to help you choose the perfect design and answer any questions you have. We have a strong reputation in the sector that we wish to build on rather than let slip.

If you're looking for a high-quality, affordable, and convenient way to buy, then logcabinkits.co.uk is the perfect place for you. Take a look through our pages to learn more.

When choosing a garden building, there are several important factors to consider. Here are some key aspects you should think about:

  1. Purpose: Determine the primary purpose. Will it be used as a home office, a guesthouse, a hobby space, or for other activities? This will help you select the right size, layout, and features to meet your needs.

  2. Size and Space: Consider the available space in your garden and ensure that it fits within those dimensions not forgetting you will need access on all sides to carryout maintenance. Additionally, think about the internal space you require for your intended use. Consider factors such as the number of rooms, ceiling height, storage space, and any specific layout requirements.

  3. Design and Style: Cabins come in various designs, from traditional to modern. Choose a style that complements the overall aesthetic of your garden and aligns with your personal preferences. Consider factors such as roof shape, window placement, and exterior finishes. On most of our cabins, the addition of Georgian bars to the doors and windows can change a modern, contemporary cabin style to a more traditional cottage style.

  4. Quality and Durability: Assess the quality of the materials and construction. Look for cabins made from high-quality timber. All our Timber Cabins manufactured cabins are produced from Spruce, sourced from sustainable forests in Scandinavia. Consider the thickness and interlocking design of the logs, as these factors influence durability and insulation.

  5. Insulation and Ventilation: If you plan to use the building year-round or in colder climates, consider its insulation properties. Look for cabins with good insulation features such as double-glazed windows, proper sealing, and options for adding insulation to walls and roof. Adequate ventilation is also essential to prevent moisture buildup and maintain a comfortable environment.

  6. Planning Permissions and Regulations: Check with your local authorities to understand any planning permissions or building regulations that may apply to garden log cabins. Some areas have restrictions on the size, height, or placement of structures, so it's crucial to ensure compliance before making a purchase.

  7. Price and Budget: Set a budget, explore options within that range. Remember to consider additional costs such as delivery, assembly, and any optional extras or customisation you may want.

  8. Company Reputation and Customer Reviews: Research the reputation of the company from which you plan to purchase. Read customer reviews and testimonials to gain insights into the quality of their products, customer service, and after-sales support.

By considering these factors, you'll be able to choose a garden log cabin that meets your specific requirements, fits your budget, and provides a functional and enjoyable space in your garden.

Here at Garden Adventure, we strive to put big ticks against all these items so that our customers can relax in the knowledge their cabin purchase is not going to let them down.

In the verdant landscapes of the United Kingdom, where gardens are cherished retreats, the addition of a garden cabin elevates outdoor living to new heights. These quaint structures offer not only practical solutions for storage or workspace but also serve as cosy retreats where one can unwind amidst nature's embrace. Let's delve into the enchanting world of garden cabins and discover why they've become a popular choice for homeowners across the UK.

Why Choose a Garden Cabin?

Garden cabins, also known as garden rooms or garden offices, provide a versatile space that seamlessly blends into the natural surroundings of your backyard. Whether you seek a quiet spot for relaxation, a home office away from distractions, or a creative studio bathed in natural light, a garden cabin offers endless possibilities.

Designs to Suit Every Taste

From traditional log cabins to sleek modern structures, garden cabins come in a myriad of designs to suit every taste and purpose. Embrace the rustic charm of a timber-framed cabin nestled among trees, or opt for a contemporary modular design with clean lines and ample glazing to maximise views of your garden oasis.

Creating Your Perfect Outdoor Escape

Transform your garden cabin into a sanctuary tailored to your needs and preferences. Add a touch of luxury with underfloor heating for year-round comfort, or install a wood-burning stove for cosy evenings by the fire. Enhance the ambiance with soft lighting, comfortable furnishings, and personal touches that reflect your style.

Versatile Uses

The versatility of garden cabins knows no bounds. Use it as a serene yoga studio to rejuvenate mind and body, a peaceful reading nook where you can escape into your favourite books, or a tranquil artist's retreat to unleash your creativity. Alternatively, convert it into a functional home office where you can work productively without the distractions of indoor life.

Benefits of Garden Cabins

Beyond their aesthetic appeal, garden cabins offer a range of practical benefits for homeowners:

  • Increase Property Value: A well-designed garden cabin adds value to your property, providing an attractive feature that enhances its appeal to potential buyers.
  • Expand Living Space: Utilise your garden cabin as an extension of your home, providing additional living space for work, leisure, or entertaining guests.
  • Connection with Nature: Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of nature without sacrificing comfort or convenience. Garden cabins offer a peaceful retreat where you can reconnect with the outdoors.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: Compared to traditional home extensions or renovations, garden cabins offer a cost-effective solution for expanding your living space with minimal disruption to your existing home.

Tips for Designing Your Garden Cabin

When planning your garden cabin, consider the following tips to ensure a successful project:

  • Location, Location, Location: Choose a site that maximises sunlight and provides a picturesque view of your garden. Ensure easy access from your home while maintaining privacy and seclusion.
  • Complement Your Garden: Select materials and finishes that harmonise with the natural elements of your garden, creating a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces.
  • Consider Planning Permission: While many garden cabins fall under permitted development rights, it's essential to check local regulations and obtain any necessary planning permission before construction begins.
  • Invest in Quality: Opt for durable materials and skilled craftsmanship to ensure your garden cabin withstands the test of time. Quality construction will provide years of enjoyment and value for your investment.

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