The Rosicrucians are a community of philosophers who study Natural Laws in order to live in harmony with them.

Our mission is to provide seekers with the spiritual wisdom necessary to experience their connectedness with the miraculous world around us and to develop Mastery of Life.

Our studies include:

The Mysteries of Birth and Death

The Illusory Nature of Time and Space

Awakening of the Psychic Consciousness

Human Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness

Mystical Power of Vowel Sounds and Mantras

The Creative Power of Visualization

Influence of Thoughts on Health

Development of the Intuition

Psychology and Mysticism

Metaphysical Healing

Sacred Architecture

Spiritual Alchemy

We invite you to learn more.


A Bridge Into Another Dimension of Life

"The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC has provided a bridge for me into a dimension of life that I had inwardly and innately longed for but could not find in all of my scientific and religious searches.

Within the teachings, I have found an understanding of all the so-called mysteries of life, bringing me inner peace and contentment and giving me a higher appreciation of science and religion." 

Lonnie C. Edwards, M.D.
Retired General Surgeon, Former Commissioner of Health, City of Chicago


AMORC is part of an ancient primordial tradition that "... seeks to establish a fundamental origin of religious belief in all authentic religious teachings, adhering to the principle that universal truths are a cross-cultural phenomenon and transcendent of their respective traditions, mythologies, and religious beliefs" (Faivre, Voss. 1995).


  • Antoine Faivre and Karen-Claire Voss, Western Esotericism and the Science of Religions, in Numen, Vol. 42 (E. J. Brill, Leiden 1995) 56

We invite you to learn more.


Beginning your journey...

Step One - Become a Member and access your lessons online

Each month, you will receive online access to a new weekly lesson, which we call monographs, to read in the privacy of your own home.

The lessons, about six to eight pages each, introduce certain ideas and experiments in a straightforward and simple manner.

We ask that you devote about one and a half hours once a week to study that week’s lesson and perform any exercise or experiment given.

For the remainder of the week we encourage you to periodically think about the important ideas contained in that lesson, and make repeated efforts to accomplish each exercise.

We ask you for this simple commitment because the lessons are not just a body of knowledge, but a way of life. If you only read them and don’t attempt the experiments or practice the techniques, then you’re only learning theory, just as if you only read a book on how to play the piano, and yet never practiced playing one.

Step Two - Enhance your understanding of the lessons through our free online library

Step Three - Connect with other Rosicrucian students to discuss and practice what you are learning

"There is nothing so inspiring, so filled with peace, happiness, perfect health, joy, and contentment as the development of the spiritual nature."

- H. Spencer Lewis, founder of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC. 1915.