Kosova Lançon Regjistrimin Online të Diasporës Përmes Platformës eDiaspora!

Të nderuar bashkatdhetarë, Një nismë historike ka filluar për të gjithë shqiptarët anembanë globit: regjistrimi i parë online i Diasporës së Kosovës përmes platformës inovative eDiaspora! Ky proces vital do të zhvillohet nga data 5 prill deri më 17 maj 2024 dhe ju...

Celebrating Officer Cadet Endrita Brahimi’s Exceptional Achievement at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

With immense pride, we share the news of Officer Cadet Endrita Brahimi from the Republic of Kosova, who has been honoured with the prestigious Commander’s Coin by the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. This esteemed accolade is awarded for remarkable effort and...

Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Albania with Bettany Hughes’ Treasures of the World

Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Albania with Bettany Hughes' Treasures of the World This Saturday, April 6th, at 7 pm UK time, prepare to embark on a mesmerizing journey through the heart of Albania and the Adriatic Sea as Channel 4 premieres an exhilarating new episode...

Celebrating the 16th Anniversary of Kosovo’s Quest for Sovereignty: Navigating Challenges and Championing Independence

In the heart of the Balkans, Kosovo's story of independence from Serbia is a testament to resilience, hope, and the enduring spirit of a people striving for self-determination. Declared on February 17, 2008, Kosovo's independence emerged from the shadows of a painful...

Ëndërr e Paplotësuar: Historia Tragjike e Leonard Farrukut dhe Vështirësitë e Refugjatëve Shqiptarë

Rrëfimi i Zemërthyer i Leonard Farrukut Në një botë ku ëndrrat janë fuqia drejtuese e veprimeve tona, Leonard Farruku, një shqiptar 27-vjeçar, nisi një udhëtim të rrezikshëm me shpresën si busullën e tij. Destinacioni i tij ishte Mbretëria e Bashkuar, një vend që ai e...

A Dream Unfulfilled: The Tragic Story of Leonard Farruku and the Albanian Refugee Plight

The Heartbreaking Tale of Leonard Farruku In a world where dreams drive our actions, Leonard Farruku, a 27-year-old Albanian, embarked on a perilous journey with hope as his compass. His destination was the United Kingdom, a land he envisioned as a realm of new...