Welcome to

Nottingham Buddhist Centre

The Wisdom and Compassion of the Buddhist Path is needed in the world now more than ever, and our wish is to reach out and share that as widely and open-heartedly as we can.

Here at the Nottingham Buddhist Centre, we’re a friendly community of Order Members and volunteers who run meditation classes, yoga sessions, Buddhist talks, retreats and festival days that are open to people from all walks of life and levels of experience. 

As part of the global Triratna Buddhist Community, we’re here to teach and practice a style of Buddhism that strives to be compatible and relevant to a modern Western world. We very much look forward to welcoming you in person or online.


New Restorative BodhiYoga Class! with Kshantika

Every Wednesday at 5:45pm - 6:55pm
This session is to nourish and restore our body, heart and mind, and enable deep rest. Using gentle movements, breath work, supported postures and led meditative relaxation to support you in finding a deeply restful state with the intention of building the conditions to assist letting go of everyday stresses and strains, to connect with ease, calm and spaciousness.

BodhiYoga Every Monday at 5:30pm - 6:45pm
The session will be an exploration of movement and breath to become more fully present in our experience and the possibility of greater ease and wellbeing. There will be some standing and floor-based postures working with the breath, along with relaxation and meditation.

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Wednesday Evening Meditation Class - In-person

Wednesday evenings feature our latest weekly “Meditation Drop In” sessions!

The sessions start at 7.30 PM. The drop in will be downstairs and will finish at 8.20 PM, when there is a tea break which you are welcome to stay for. So if you’re looking for a refresher, come and join us for a led meditation.