Breakdown Cover

Compare Cheap Car Breakdown Cover

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Compare Cheap Breakdown Cover Quotes

At, we make it easy to compare breakdown cover quotes from leading UK providers, allowing our users to find the cheapest deals in seconds.

Here’s what you need to do to start comparing breakdown cover:

  • Click ‘Start a comparison’ to get started.
  • Find a breakdown cover policy that best meets your requirements.
  • Choose the deal that’s best for you and buy online.

What is breakdown cover?

Breakdown cover is a type of insurance policy that helps you get back on the road if your car, van or motorbike breaks down unexpectedly. It is specifically designed to offer peace of mind and practical solutions when your vehicle encounters mechanical or electrical failures on the road or at home. Having breakdown cover ensures that you are not left stranded and can get prompt help to either fix the issue or arrange transportation to a nearby garage.

What types of breakdown cover are there?

Breakdown insurance can cover you or your vehicle. You can choose between:

Vehicle Breakdown Cover

This type of policy provides coverage for any vehicle regardless of who is driving when the breakdown occurs. If any other person uses your vehicle, such as your wife, husband, or another family member, this could prove to be your cheapest option.

Personal Breakdown Cover

The person named in the policy is covered for any eligible vehicle regardless of whether they are the driver or a passenger. This type of policy is usually a little more expensive, however, if you own or drive more than one vehicle, insuring yourself, can work out cheaper. For example, if you own a car and a motorbike you would be covered for both.

What’s covered by a breakdown policy?

The level of coverage you get from your breakdown policy depends on what you take out. When comparing policies, look out for key features like:

  • Roadside Assistance: Help if your car breaks down while you’re out and about.
  • Local Recovery: If your vehicle can’t be fixed on the spot, it can be towed to a nearby garage.
  • Home Start: Assistance if your vehicle breaks down at home.
  • Onward Travel: Options like a courtesy car, overnight accommodation, or alternative transport if your car can’t be fixed quickly.
  • National Recovery: Transport for you, your vehicle, and passengers to any UK destination if repair isn’t immediate.
  • European Cover: This option provides cover if your car breaks down while driving your vehicle in Europe.

Breakdown Cover FAQ's

We often receive a lot of questions about breakdown cover, so let’s answer some of the most common: is a leading breakdown cover comparison site that helps you quickly and easily compare breakdown cover quotes from the UK’s best providers.

We compare breakdown cover quotes from a wide range of providers including:

  • The AA
  • RAC
  • Start Rescue
  • Cover My Breakdown
  • Emergency Assist
  • Eversure
  • GEM Motoring Assist
  • Nova Direct

Car breakdown cover is an essential service for every car owner. No matter how well-maintained your vehicle is, there is always a possibility of it breaking down unexpectedly. Whether it’s a flat tire, a dead battery, or a malfunctioning engine, these situations can leave you stranded on the side of the road, causing inconvenience and potentially putting you in danger.

So, why do you need car breakdown cover? Let’s take a closer look at the top reasons:

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that help is just a phone call away can give you significant peace of mind, especially when traveling in unfamiliar areas or during adverse weather conditions.
  • Convenience and Time-Saving: Breakdowns are unpredictable and can significantly disrupt your plans. Having cover means that you won’t have to spend time searching for a local garage or mechanic – assistance is already guaranteed, and help is on its way with just one call.

  • Cost-Effective: Paying for individual services such as towing, repairs, or hiring a replacement vehicle can be costly. Car Breakdown Cover consolidates all these services into one package, potentially saving you a considerable amount of money in the event of a breakdown.

  • Safety: Trying to fix a vehicle by the roadside can be dangerous, especially on busy roads or in poor weather conditions. Car Breakdown Cover ensures that professionals handle the situation, keeping you and your passengers safe.

  • Comprehensive Assistance: Whether your car refuses to start at home, or you encounter problems while on the road, comprehensive breakdown cover ensures you’re supported in various situations, including mechanical failures, flat batteries, or flat tires.

  • Nationwide Coverage: Most car breakdown providers offer nationwide service, meaning you’re protected no matter where in the country you are when you break down.

Consider the below steps to find a cheaper deal and save money on your breakdown cover:

  • Compare options on our website to assess prices and coverage.
  • Understand your specific needs and choose a policy that matches them to avoid overpaying.
  • Opt for annual payment to potentially receive a discount over monthly payments.
  • Consider basic coverage if your driving habits or vehicle condition don’t require extensive cover.
  • Review and negotiate your policy at renewal to ensure you’re still getting a competitive rate.

Always balance cost with the level of cover you need to ensure you’re adequately protected without overspending.

You should be able to get breakdown cover for most vehicles, although some providers only cover vehicles up to a certain age. If you use your vehicle for business or racing, for example, further restrictions may apply.

It depends. When you own only one vehicle, it may make more sense to purchase vehicle-based cover. If you drive more than one vehicle frequently or are a passenger in more than one, personal-based coverage may be more appropriate.

If your car breaks down and you don’t have a breakdown policy, you can purchase instant breakdown cover at the side of the road, and your new provider will send someone to fix it.

A breakdown provider must offer a 14-day “cooling off period” within which you may cancel your policy. In the event that you haven’t claimed on your cover, you won’t face any penalties and will receive a full refund.
You may not be able to cancel after this period or after you’ve made a claim. In addition, claim, or you may be required to pay a fee to receive a partial refund after you’ve canceled. Terms will vary between providers.

When looking for the best breakdown cover, consider factors such as the coverage included, the reputation and reliability of the provider, and any additional perks or benefits. It’s also important to compare prices before making a decision. Remember to choose a plan that best fits your specific needs and budget.

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