Practical Business Continuity Management

Top Tips for Effective, Real-World Business Continuity Management

By Andy Osborne

ISBN : 978-1-906316-01-3    £9.75
Publication date : August 2007

Practical Business Continuity Management Book Cover
"If you want to know what business continuity is really about I suggest you read this book ... perhaps even give a copy to your boss as a present. If he or she reads it, it might well make your life much easier."

Lyndon Bird FBCI, Technical Director,
Business Continuity Institute

An acknowledged expert in the field of business continuity management, Andy Osborne has spent almost twenty years helping many and varied organisations, across a broad range of industry sectors, to develop, implement, prove and maintain their business continuity capability. Andy regularly presents on business continuity and risk management in the UK and Europe.

Andy's philosophy is one of capability-based planning, whereby he aims to develop and enhance his clients' Business Continuity capability rather than merely helping them to write a Business Continuity plan.

This book is aimed at anyone with responsibility for, or involvement in, developing, maintaining or testing their organisation's business continuity management programme.

Whether you're a new or an experienced practitioner, and whatever your specific role within your organisation, if you have an interest in implementing and maintaining an effective business continuity management programme, this book is for you.

It contains dozens of useful and practical tips, distilled from many years experience developing, maintaining and testing business continuity strategies, solutions and plans; tips that will help you to develop and maintain a business continuity capability, rather than just a business continuity plan; tips for getting the best out of your business continuity programme in the real world.

This book won't tell you how to "do" business continuity management. It won't give you chapter and verse on the various elements of the business continuity management process. It won't bang on about "lifecycles" or "methodologies" or "benchmarking" or "best practice" - there are plenty of books around that do that, if that's what you want. What it will do is give you dozens of helpful, practical tips to use at various stages of your business continuity management programme - tips that will help you, as they have helped others, to make your BCM programme a success.

It might just be the best £9.75 you ever spend on your business continuity management programme!

But don't just take our word for it ...
"I just finished reading your book "Practical Business Continuity Management" and to say the least it's brilliant, full of good tips and a book that inspires... . I wasn't able to put it down. Well done and congratulation for an excellent book... a must read for any one dealing with Business Continuity on the technical or management side of it."
Customer review on Amazon

"This is a wonderful book. Sure at first glance it may seem a bit short on pages, but it's simply packed with useful, informative tips that are as the title says 'practical'. I think the biggest praise I can give this book is that it makes preparing a BCP look possible and nowhere near as daunting a task as many other books on the subject. Great stuff."
Customer review on Amazon

"A great short read. Great tips for beginners and old hands like me."
Stephen Austin MBCI, Business Continuity Consultant, Egg

"It's easy to get bogged down in the detail, but this book contains easily digestible bites of good practice that too often are overlooked."
Andrew Hiles FBCI, Director, Kingswell International

"I loved this book - now why didn't I think of it? Good basic common-sense and no jargon. If you want to know what business continuity is really about I suggest you read this book ...perhaps even give a copy to your boss as a present. If he or she reads it, it might well make your life much easier."
Lyndon Bird FBCI, Technical Director, Business Continuity Institute

"Loads of good stuff in there. The style probably suits dipping in and out rather than reading from front to back, but it covers every subject."
Andy Ralph, BCP Analyst, BP Integrated Supply and Trading

"I found the book a good read and it was great to see that it portrayed a practical down-to-earth approach to BCM."
Bill Crichton FBCI, Business Continuity Consultancy Manager, Hewlett Packard

"The ease and simplicity of this book means that one can dip in and dip out of the different aspects of business continuity at any time. A very informative and non-technical way of getting basic answers to basic, but sometimes challenging questions. Great for those starting out or developing their understanding of business continuity management."
Steve Mellish FBCI, Business Continuity Manager, Sainsbury's

"Very readable. The sort of 'manual' that people should have on the shelf to dip in and out of - particularly when having a blank moment about how to tackle something."
Angela Robinson FBCI, Director, Garrison Continuity and vice-chair of the Business Continuity Institute

"It is rare that one can say of a 'professional work' that it's a bit of a 'page-turner'... And, yet, that is exactly what it is...I challenge any interested reader to put it down without the lingering thought of wanting to find out what the next tip or hint may be... And if you ever wondered what on earth elephants had to do with business continuity, then dig in and find out!"
Dennis Thomas, Managing Director NDR

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