Searching for an independent Freelance SEO Consultant?

independent seo consultant

Transform your website into a sales machine with expert SEO. Boost visibility, attract targeted traffic, and see real bottom-line business growth.

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Contact below.

An SEO Specialist Who Focuses on Bottom Line Returns

I'm Harry, a seasoned independent UK-based freelance SEO consultant with over a decade of experience. I help businesses unlock their full potential by leveraging SEO to drive leads and sales through their websites.

Having navigated diverse challenges across various industries, I’ve collaborated with companies ranging from nimble startups to well-established giants. My expertise spans multiple sectors, including finance, technology, and SaaS.

Why Choose ‘Me’ as your SEO freelancer ?

With over ten years of experience, I bring expert strategies that boost your website traffic and sales, I have managed to culture a unique SEO process:

  • Client-First Approach: Worried about finding a reliable SEO consultant? Rest easy knowing most of my clients come from referrals, reflecting their trust and satisfaction with the results I've delivered.

  • Long-Term Partnerships: Concerned about consistency and long-term value? More than half of my clients have stayed with me for over four years, ensuring you benefit from sustained and reliable SEO performance.

  • Tailored Strategies: Afraid of one-size-fits-all solutions? I provide bespoke SEO strategies tailored to your unique business needs, maximising your impact and fostering sustainable growth.

  • Proven Results: Anxious about ROI? My clients see significant increases in lead generation and conversion rates. My data-driven approach ensures your SEO investment delivers real, measurable results.

Book a consultation today to discover how I can help your business thrive online and alleviate any concerns you have about finding the right SEO expert.

Let’s do SEO together.

Interested in organic growth for your site? Fill out your details, and we’ll be in touch shortly! We can't wait to help your business grow.

Freelance SEO Case Studies


About & Challenge:

Mazeys, a UK-based Mod clothing retailer, struggled with low organic traffic and high competition. They needed to improve their online presence and sales.


  1. Keyword Research: Targeted high-intent, niche-specific keywords such as "Mod clothing" and "vintage Mod fashion" to capture relevant search traffic and boost visibility.

  2. On-Page SEO: Optimised product pages with relevant keywords, enhanced meta tags, headers, and improved site structure. This made navigation smoother and improved search engine indexing.

  3. Content Marketing: Created engaging and informative blog posts on Mod fashion trends, history, and styling tips. This not only attracted new visitors but also retained them by establishing Mazeys as an authority in the Mod fashion niche.


  • Organic Traffic & Revenue: Increased by over 300%.

  • Search Rankings: Achieved top 5 positions for key Mod fashion terms.

  • Conversion Rate: Improved by 40%.

Mazeys significantly enhanced its online presence and sales through targeted SEO strategies, overcoming high competition and establishing a strong foundation for growth.

Mazeys SEO Campaign

mazeys seo campaign

Myrtle & Maude

About & Challenge

Myrtle & Maude, a pre-pregnancy and labour goods company, aimed to enhance their online presence and drive sales in a competitive niche market.


  1. Keyword Research: Identified high-intent, niche-specific terms like "natural pregnancy supplements" and "labour essentials."

  2. On-Page SEO: Optimised product descriptions, meta data, and headers. Improved site structure by deleting unnecessary pages and consolidating content.

  3. Content Marketing: Created informative blog posts on pregnancy health and labour tips to engage and educate the audience.

  4. Technical SEO: Enhanced site speed, mobile responsiveness, and overall user experience to meet search engine standards.

  5. Link Building: Secured high-quality backlinks from reputable health and wellness websites to boost domain authority.


  • Organic Traffic: Increased by an impressive 400%, driving significantly more visitors to the site.

  • Search Rankings: Achieved first-page positions for key pregnancy and labour terms, greatly enhancing visibility and attracting more organic searches.

  • Revenue Growth: The comprehensive SEO strategy drove scalable revenue growth, proving the effectiveness of targeted SEO efforts.

Myrtle & Maude SEO Campaign

myrtle and maude seo campaign

Natural Health Goods

About & Challenge

Natural Health Goods, a company specialising in CBD products, sought to improve their online visibility through SEO. They faced low organic search traffic, high competition in the CBD market, and previous ineffective SEO strategies.


  1. Keyword Research: Identified high-value, low-competition keywords such as "CBD oil benefits" and "organic CBD products."

  2. On-Page SEO: Optimised product pages, meta descriptions, and headers with targeted keywords.

  3. Content Marketing: Created informative blog posts on CBD usage, benefits, and industry news to engage and educate their audience.

  4. Technical SEO: Enhanced site speed, mobile responsiveness, and user experience.

  5. Backlink Strategy: Acquired high-quality backlinks from reputable health and wellness websites.


  • Organic Traffic: Increased by 70%.

  • Search Rankings: Achieved top 5 positions for key CBD-related terms.

  • Backlinks: Secured 50+ high-quality backlinks.

Natural Health Goods significantly improved their online visibility and competitiveness in the CBD market through targeted SEO strategies.

Freelance SEO Services

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), really?

It’s about enhancing your website's visibility on search engines (mainly Google). By optimising various elements of your site, you can achieve higher rankings, attract more traffic, and grow your business organically. Here's how I break it down into three distinct pillars:

Technical SEO

Technical SEO focuses on improving the backend structure and foundation of your website to enhance its visibility and performance. Key aspects include:

  • Site Speed: Optimising your site to load quickly, which improves user experience and search engine rankings.

  • Mobile-Friendliness: Ensuring your website is fully responsive and provides a seamless experience on mobile devices.

  • XML Sitemaps: Creating and submitting sitemaps to help search engines crawl and index your site more effectively.

  • Robots.txt: Managing your robots.txt file to control how search engines interact with your site.

  • HTTPS: Implementing secure HTTPS protocol to protect user data and improve rankings.

  • Structured Data: Using schema markup to help search engines understand your content better.

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO involves optimising individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. Key components include:

  • Keyword Research and Optimisation: Identifying and incorporating relevant keywords into your content to attract qualified traffic.

  • Content Creation and Optimisation: Crafting high-quality, engaging content that provides value to users and is optimised for search engines.

  • Meta Tags and Descriptions: Writing compelling meta titles and descriptions that improve click-through rates from search results.

  • Header Tags and Structure: Organising content with proper header tags (H1, H2, H3) for better readability and SEO.

  • Internal Linking: Creating a logical link structure within your site to help users and search engines navigate your content.

Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO focuses on building your website’s authority and reputation through external efforts. Key strategies include:

  • Backlink Building: Acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable websites to boost your site's authority and rankings.

  • Social Signals: Leveraging social media activity to enhance your site’s visibility and authority indirectly.

  • Guest Blogging: Writing and publishing articles on relevant, authoritative blogs to gain backlinks and exposure.

  • Influencer Outreach: Collaborating with influencers in your industry to build credibility and drive traffic.

  • Brand Mentions: Encouraging mentions of your brand across the web to increase your site’s authority and visibility.

  • Online Reviews: Managing and responding to online reviews to improve your reputation and attract more traffic.


  • An SEO consultant will conduct a thorough analysis of your website and identify areas for improvement. They will optimise your site's content, meta tags, headers, and overall structure to make it more search engine-friendly. By targeting relevant keywords and enhancing user experience, your site's search engine rankings will improve, leading to higher visibility.

  • While results can vary, clients typically see significant improvements in organic traffic, search engine rankings, and conversion rates. For instance, past clients have experienced traffic increases of over 300% and substantial boosts in sales. The specific results depend on your industry, competition, and the current state of your website.

  • SEO is a long-term strategy. You might start seeing some improvements within a few months, but substantial results usually take 6 to 12 months. The timeline can vary based on your industry, the competitiveness of your keywords, and the current condition of your website.

  • The process includes:

    • Keyword Research: Identifying high-value, relevant keywords.

    • On-Page SEO: Optimising meta tags, headers, and content.

    • Technical SEO: Enhancing site speed, mobile responsiveness, and fixing technical issues.

    • Content Creation: Developing high-quality, relevant content.

    • Link Building: Acquiring backlinks from reputable sources.

  • Success is measured using various metrics such as:

    • Organic Traffic: The number of visitors coming from search engines.

    • Search Rankings: The position of your website for targeted keywords.

    • Conversion Rates: The percentage of visitors who take a desired action (e.g., making a purchase).

    • ROI: The return on investment from SEO activities.

  • Yes, effective SEO often requires changes to your website's content, structure, and design. This can include updating meta tags, improving site navigation, and creating new content. All changes are aimed at making your site more appealing to both search engines and users.

  • In short, yes. If your business relies on local customers, I can optimise your site for local search terms, manage your Google My Business profile, and build local citations to improve your visibility in local search results.

  • The cost of SEO services can vary depending on the scope of work, the competitiveness of your industry, and your specific goals. I offer customised packages tailored to your needs and budget. A detailed proposal can be provided after an initial consultation.

Contact Harry.