Are You Creative

Are You Creative? A Fresh Approach to Career Planning.

Career planning to help you find an occupation or profession to match your creative inclinations!
Search by Occupation
Search 400 occupations (& nationalities).  Reflect on lives and quotes of famous creative people.
Browse by Profession
Browse 15 major professional categories -- from Artists to Scientists and Sports.
Learn about Creativity
Learn about the components of creativity. Personalisize your own creative acronym
Link to Websites
Link to websites for  career planning, job searching, and aptitude testing.
Are You Creative? Career planning helpS identify your creative "bent," and to pursue a career of choice with diligence. Or, as Henry David Thoreau put it, "Do what you love. Know your own bone; gnaw at it, bury it, unearth it, and gnaw it still."

This website also helps you identify your "bent" and "bone" through the lives, careers and words of famous creative people. Use the search and browse options to identify job types and occupations that interest you. Then, read and reflect on the quotations from famous creative people who mastered those professions.  Ponder the quotes and think creatively about your current/future job and career.  "The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages may be preserved in quotations." (Isaac D'Israeli).

P.S. All quotations are carefully selected and linked to five components of creativity.  So, look for connections between quotes, careers, and creativity. "Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected." After all, You Are Creative

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