Accelerating to net zero

    Chief Executive of the System Operator Northern Ireland (SONI), Alan Campbell, is joined by Chair of the newly appointed independent board, Peter McNaney, to discuss the importance of plan-led...

    Environment Minister Andrew Muir MLA: Towards ‘a strong, green economy’

    Agriculture, environment, and rural affairs Minister Andrew Muir MLA outlines four key environmental commitments for his department, including the urgent delivery of an environmental improvement plan (EIP).

    Apprenticeships: Building the workforce of the future

    There is strong evidence that apprenticeships lead to improved earnings in the future relative to classroom-based education of the same level.

    The Troubles(ome) history of British policy in Northern Ireland

    As an academic historian, I have serious reservations about the so-called ‘public history’ of British policy in Northern Ireland announced recently by the British Government, writes Marie Coleman, Professor of 20th century Irish history at Queen’s University Belfast.

    Protecting the environment for future generations

    Chief of Staff at the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP), Richard Greenhous, outlines the organisation’s role in protecting and improving the environment in Northern Ireland at a “critical time”.
    Issue 119 online now. Click here to read the agendaNi Digital Edition.
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