Birthdays (4/19)

Ali Wong (42)
Hayden Christensen (43)
Catalina Sandino Moreno (43)
Kate Hudson (45)
James Franco (46)
Ashley Judd (56)
Tony Plana (72)
Tim Curry (78)
Elinor Donahue (87)
Jayne Mansfield (1933-1967)
Hugh O'Brian (1925-2016)
George O'Brien (1899-1985)

Movie of the Day
Feature Presentation
Jayne Mansfield, Dan Duryea, Martha Vickers, and Mickey Shaughnessy
star in the noir thriller The Burglar (1957)

filmstrip image

Copyright and Disclaimer Information

Premiering February 1, 1998, Brian's Drive-In Theater is owned and operated by Brian J. Walker.