Welcome to the Africa in Stone website

Our aim is to present samples of stone artwork from some of the finest African artists. Shona sculpture features predominantly as we believe that it incorporates some of the best examples of this type of African art. The term "Shona Sculpture" may be misleading as many artists are neither of the the Shona Tribe nor of Zimbabwe.

Although there are examples dating back more than 1000 years, today’s sculptures differ little from those early works. Contemporary Shona Sculpture is a profound expression of human nature, irrespective of ancestry and origins. The tales and traditions of African culture and civilization heavily influence it.

These sculptures may be evocative of the style of western artists like Picasso but evidence suggests that Pablo Picasso was influenced by early Shona art. In an interview published by Time in October 1984 he states, “Everything I need to know about  Africa is in these objects”. Most of these Shona artists have never seen  Western art and draw inspiration from spiritual beliefs, folklore and daily events.

Today collectors can acquire examples of this type of sculpture for a relatively small outlay. Abstract Art is the most popular form with some of the bigger pieces highly sought after as Garden Sculpture.