What's in her brain?

Donna Scott

Really, really funny.

– BBC Radio Derby

Solo stand-up
Best of British Science Fiction
The Time-Travelling Adventures of Baron Munchausen (Award-winning children's show)
Prison Biscuit

Club Polymath

Hey peeps!

The word polymath comes from the Greek: πολυμαθήςpolymathēs, “having learned much” i.e. someone who is brilliant at loads of things. I don’t think we use this word enough. Some of us are proud to be “geeks”, which means we are super keen on a particular subject, or “nerds”, also super keen on a particular subject but with less cool t-shirts. I wear these which are pretty darn cool. If you are clever and talented you may have been called worse things than a geek or nerd, but never mind the jealousy. My credo is “Dream, Strive, Achieve”, which is the happy, centred ideal between “Live, Laugh, Love”, and “Bind, Torture, Kill”. 

On this website, I would like to enthuse about lots of things – not just what I can do, but also how talented my friends are.

Think about all the horrible people in the world: dictators, haters with followers, online trolls. They all had that one talent and made it work for them! Isn’t it time you took your much vaster potential for awesomeness and made the world a brighter, happier place? Be Leonardo DaVinci! Be Madame de Pompadour! Be Danny Devito (Renaissance Man)!

Join my club!

Or, easier, join an Arts Lab.