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Agency and

Specialist services for development

Hambleden provides expert advice to ensure that Landowners can make confident decisions and achieve the best possible outcomes

Hambleden: Development Professionals

Hambleden acts for land and property owners wherever there is development potential or projects in progress. We provide trusted, expert advice from inception through to completion; identifying development opportunities, informing and guiding the right decisions, planning the most effective strategies, and securing the best deals.

Our ‘hands on’ pro-active agency and consultancy services are tailored to each situation, and we pride ourselves in delivering a truly personal service; assisting Landowners every step of the way until the project is complete.

At Hambleden our experience covers all manner of development projects, from intricate multi-Landowner multiphase urban extensions, long-term strategic promotion of single fields, mixed-use redevelopment of town centre ‘brownfield’ land, commercial to residential use conversions, optimisation of land with existing planning permissions, to garden and ‘backland’ plot development, and much more.

Housing Estate development

Different situations – Different stages

Always acting solely and directly for Landowners, we bring our wide-ranging professional experience to bear whatever stage has been reached, and in many different development situations. We identify opportunities and bring them through to fruition, in particular making use of our expert understanding of the development process, the development market, the evolving policies of the planning system, and how best to structure land deals.

Projects can be at a very early first-thoughts stage, or perhaps progress has been made beyond that. We just as often assist Landowners through the very first stages of portfolio strategy as we are brought in to oversee draft contracts, to secure the best deal for land already with planning permission, and every stage in between.

We understand the strategy options to take development schemes forward, including the various contract frameworks, their features and advantages. And we help identify what ‘success’ looks like – whether in timescale, financial or organisational terms.

We provide answers to the question! So what do we do now?

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