Aphids Vectors Health Biostats


For ecologists, medics and veterinarians

On this page: Aphid identification Biological control of aphids Vector identification Human, livestock, ecosystem health Wrong stats can have horrifying results A statistical toolkit, with worked examples, + R-code

Aphid identification

Of the 600-odd species of aphids in Britain, very few are pests but, until recently, identifying them was a specialist job.

Our on-line pages on photo-identification cover more than 100 aphid genera, and over 300 species. read more...

Biological control of aphids
[series under development]

Given the explosive reproductive potential of some aphids, natural predators and parasites are crucially important. such as...

Some are used for 'classical' biological control. such as...

Vector identification

Blood-sucking haematophagous arthropods such as ticks, biting midges, mosquitoes and tabanids transmit disease to humans and livestock.

Our on-line pages cover photo-identification of the main genera, and some species. read more...

Human, livestock, ecosystem health

Epidemics and invasive pests, like bad stats or bad science, can have real bad effects.

We provide on-line critiques about the detrimental effects of poor science in major medical, veterinary and environmental issues. read more...

Wrong stats can have horrifying results

Image copyright Aletia

Few biologists understand the assumptions or properties of statistical procedures: read more...

Hence biology papers are riddled with serious stats errors. read more...

A statistical toolkit with worked examples + R code

Image copyright Kitty

How to pages: From design to t-tests to linear models read more...

How to explore stats using R. (It is powerful & free.) read more...


Comments, questions, corrections? Please email info@influentialpoints.com


If you like our critical approach to analysis you will really like our hyperbook:
Avoiding and Detecting Statistical Malpractice (Design & Analysis for Biologists, with R).


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Except where otherwise specified, all text and images on this page are copyright InfluentialPoints under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License on condition that a link is provided to InfluentialPoints.com

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Biology, images, analysis, design...
Aphids Vectors Health Biostats
"It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important" (Sherlock Holmes)




Services for ecologists, medics and veterinarians

Aphid identification

Of the 600-odd species of aphids in Britain, very few are pests but, until recently, identifying them was a specialist job.

Our on-line pages on photo-identification cover more than 100 aphid genera, and over 300 species.


Human, livestock, ecosystem health

Epidemics and invasive pests, like bad stats or bad science, can have real bad effects.

We provide on-line critiques about the detrimental effects of poor science in major medical, veterinary and environmental issues.


Biological control of aphids [series under development]

Given the explosive reproductive potential of some aphids, natural predators and parasites are crucially important.

such as...

Some are used for 'classical' biological control.

such as...

Wrong stats can have horrifying results
image copyright Aletia

Few biologists understand the assumptions or properties of statistical procedures:


Hence biology papers are riddled with serious stats errors.


Vector identification

Blood-sucking haematophagous arthropods such as ticks, biting midges, mosquitoes and tabanids transmit disease to humans and livestock.

Our on-line pages cover photo-identification of the main genera, and some species.


A statistical toolkit with worked examples + R code
image copyright Kitty

How to pages: From design to t-tests to linear models


How to explore stats using R. (It is powerful & free.)



Comments, questions, corrections? Please email info@influentialpoints.com


If you like our critical approach to analysis you will really like our hyperbook:
Avoiding and Detecting Statistical Malpractice (Design & Analysis for Biologists, with R).


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Except where otherwise specified, all text and images on this page are copyright InfluentialPoints under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License on condition that a link is provided to InfluentialPoints.com

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