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Evidence of Harm: Mercury Dental Fillings are Toxic


Did you know that "silver" (amalgam) dental fillings contain 30% to 75% mercury—a potent neurotoxin?

Did you know that some vaccines contain mercury left over from manufacturing processes?

Mercury is now being associated with numerous childhood diseases, chronic fatigue, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), low thyroid, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, high cholesterol, uncontrollable weight gain, cramping, migraines, near/far-sightedness, hair loss, tinnitus (ringing-in-the-ears) and over 200 other common diseases and conditions.

I dramatically recovered from over 17 ailments after having my amalgam fillings replaced with another material in July 2000. My health, memory and emotional well-being changed literally overnight.

I created this website to help others to share information and experiences with each other, especially those wanting to overcome supposedly "incurable" diseases and who are having trouble finding the true causes.

I hope this website can be a part of helping you find the answers you're searching for. As I always say, "Everything that has a cause, has a cure."

Russ Tanner

Personal Mercury Stories

check out our collection of real-life mercury stories. They are dramatic and very enlightening, especially of are struggling with a disease you cannot overcome.

If you have a story of your own (good or bad), please consider sending it to me so I can post it for the benefit of others.

Mercury Forum

I also operate what may be the largest mercury support forum on the Internet.

Read what others are saying about their recoveries. Post your questions and comments. Get involved in finding real solutions to your health issues.

The American Dental Association (ADA)

See what the ADA has to say about it's responsibility to your safety: Read More...