BES Wiltshire

For the Best Forklift and Training Prices in and around Wiltshire

Top Tip - If you are looking for forklifts and training it is a good idea to get more than one quote, usually 3 quotes are sufficient to enable you to make an informed decision.
Select the BestQuote
We aim to identify up to four suppliers for you and in addition to asking them to quote you directly we will email you their contact details.

We leave you to choose which offer you want to proceed with, but are always here to help you decide if needed.

“Very happy with service”  

H Martin Enquiry Ref 352289

“I would just like to thank you for all of your help in choosing a company”  

Andy Sparrow Enquiry Ref 547455

"We are very happy with the companies who contacted us" 

B Currier - Enquiry Ref 2055543

"I have received fantastic customer service from each of the companies" 

Julie Coene - Enquiry Ref:2192214

Whilst you are searching for forklifts and training in and around Wiltshire you may need to be aware that an employee was awarded compensation to help pay for a specially adapted house for him to live in and round-the-clock care costs after the forklift truck he was driving fell onto him causing spinal and head injuries. It was found that his employer had permitted him to operate the forklift truck without any training or a valid licence.

While trying to find forklifts and training in and around Wiltshire it is worth noting that Bendi articulated forklifts are able to work internally and externally on rough ground, this capability is beyond that of many Reach and VNA trucks.

While trying to find forklifts and training in and around Wiltshire it may interest you to know that a warehouseman received over £50,000 in compensation when his leg was crushed between a warehouse wall and a broken down forklift he was moving. It was found that the employer did not have adequate safety measures in place and no safe system for handling with break-downs.

Whilst researching forklifts and training in and around Wiltshire remember that the batteries in electric forklifts require regular charging. A new battery can give approximately 6 hours of running time for a standard 4 wheel forklift. The batteries also need proper and regular maintenance and are not cheap to replace.

Tip – When you are looking for forklifts and training in and around Wiltshire you should be aware that charging units are available to allow you to charge your electric truck from a 13amp socket. However, these are very slow and are really only suitable for very light usage – and hour or so a day.

If you are researching forklifts and training in and around Wiltshire a retired rental forklift can be a good option if you are looking for a used forklift especially as they will have been well-serviced during their rental lifetime, however don't rule out lease returns, repossessions and demonstration machines as these too can be a good buy.
"I have received fantastic customer service from each of the companies"
Julie Coene - Enquiry Ref:2192214

BES Wiltshire