Gary iTAB Owner
Gary iTAB Owner
Gary iTAB Owner
Gary iTAB Owner
Gary iTAB Owner
Personalise your medal with an iTAB

iTAB is the world’s leading medal personalisation company, dedicated to creating medal memories and spreading the running joy across the globe.

Our custom medal insert engraved with your name and event finish time helps runners commemorate, share and celebrate their amazing achievements.

Personalise your medal with an iTAB

iTAB is the world’s leading medal personalisation company, dedicated to creating medal memories and spreading the running joy across the globe.

Our custom medal insert engraved with your name and event finish time helps runners commemorate, share and celebrate their amazing achievements.

Personalise your medal with an iTAB

iTAB is the world’s leading medal personalisation company, dedicated to creating medal memories and spreading the running joy across the globe.

Our custom medal insert engraved with your name and event finish time helps runners commemorate, share and celebrate their amazing achievements.

Personalise your medal with an iTAB

iTAB is the world’s leading medal personalisation company, dedicated to creating medal memories and spreading the running joy across the globe.

Our custom medal insert engraved with your name and event finish time helps runners commemorate, share and celebrate their amazing achievements.

Personalise your medal with an iTAB

iTAB is the world’s leading medal personalisation company, dedicated to creating medal memories and spreading the running joy across the globe.

Our custom medal insert engraved with your name and event finish time helps runners commemorate, share and celebrate their amazing achievements.

Gary iTAB Owner
Gary iTAB Owner
Gary iTAB Owner
Gary iTAB Owner
Gary iTAB Owner
Personalise your medal with an iTAB

iTAB is the world’s leading medal personalisation company, dedicated to creating medal memories and spreading the running joy across the globe.

Our custom medal insert engraved with your name and event finish time helps runners commemorate, share and celebrate their amazing achievements.

Personalise your medal with an iTAB

iTAB is the world’s leading medal personalisation company, dedicated to creating medal memories and spreading the running joy across the globe.

Our custom medal insert engraved with your name and event finish time helps runners commemorate, share and celebrate their amazing achievements.

Personalise your medal with an iTAB

iTAB is the world’s leading medal personalisation company, dedicated to creating medal memories and spreading the running joy across the globe.

Our custom medal insert engraved with your name and event finish time helps runners commemorate, share and celebrate their amazing achievements.

Personalise your medal with an iTAB

iTAB is the world’s leading medal personalisation company, dedicated to creating medal memories and spreading the running joy across the globe.

Our custom medal insert engraved with your name and event finish time helps runners commemorate, share and celebrate their amazing achievements.

Personalise your medal with an iTAB

iTAB is the world’s leading medal personalisation company, dedicated to creating medal memories and spreading the running joy across the globe.

Our custom medal insert engraved with your name and event finish time helps runners commemorate, share and celebrate their amazing achievements.

Search for your event or select a recent event below to order your iTAB

Share your stories and selfies @heyitab to feature on our Wall of Fame!

For ultra runner Nick, the London Marathon holds a special place in his heart

iTAB Stars

iTAB chats to everyday people who have found a new lease of life thanks to running, that we like to call iTAB Stars.

They all have a very personal story, but more importantly they all share a love for running and like nothing more than to share that passion with others. We cover everything from their resilience and drive, favourite bling, quirky habits and the best excuses not to go for a run.


iTAB Stars

iTAB chats to everyday people who have found a new lease of life thanks to running, that we like to call iTAB Stars.

They all have a very personal story, but more importantly they all share a love for running and like nothing more than to share that passion with others. We cover everything from their resilience and drive, favourite bling, quirky habits and the best excuses not to go for a run.

For ultra runner Nick, the London Marathon holds a special place in his heart


Crafted with Care

Produced to the highest standards, each iTAB is tailor-made to fit directly on the medal or the ribbon for over 500 race events worldwide.

We are a trusted partner of some of the biggest running names in the world; Abbot World Marathon Majors including Chicago and London, the largest half marathons in the world, Göteborgsvarvet and the Great North Run, and the biggest 10 Miler worldwide, Broad Street Run. Other big city events include LA Marathon, Toronto Marathon, London Landmarks Half Marathon, Brighton Marathon, and Gold Coast Marathon in Australia.

iTAB are also extremely proud to be the official medal personalisation partner for Spartan Race, Tough Mudder and runDisney.

Gary Cove

Meet the team

iTAB are a tight-knit, passionate team who love to see runners proudly showing off their personalised medal. We work hard and play hard, and above all we have a common belief that people’s running, cycling and triathlon achievements should be commemorated, celebrated and shared. Find out how iTAB came to be and why we do what we do.


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